Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our Sweet Singer

Tonight we had our Annual CCC Staff Christmas Party, a very special event I really look forward too! It is a rare time when almost every single CCC staff person and their families are all together in the same place at the same time with nothing to do but have fun! One of the things we do is have a talent show. Here is Liliana singing "Down By The Riverside" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". She also sang Away in a Manger, but we did not have the camera ready since she went up first and it happened so fast. She did WONDERFULLY! She loves singing in front of people and does so every chance she can get! She could not wait to sing for everyone tonight...we kept having to tell her "not yet"...Here is the cutest singer EVER (notice her doggy sitting on the piano behind her):

I must also write about what a perfectly well-behaved sweetest boy we had with us at the party...our sweet Noah!!! He sat in his high chair almost the entire time (3 hours) and just ate and ate and watched what was going on without a single complaint! He did play with the kids the last 30 minutes or so...he looked so proud to be hanging out with his big sister and her friends! Adelyn Walker is one of those friends...Liliana just loves her...she kept asking me if she could give her hugs! Awe!!! Love you babies!!!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh, that is sweetness!