Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sweet Elia

Our sweet Elia is SO busy these days!
She has hardly napped the past couple of days because she is so interested in her environment and learning to crawl and wanting to stand and learn to walk.
She went from a very predictable napping schedule of 9 a.m. - 11 or 12 a.m. and an afternoon nap of 1 - 3 hours to taking two 20 minute naps yesterday!
A few days ago she had her first full fussy day yet and that says a lot being that she is now 7 months old! She is such an amazing and easy going baby who hardly ever fusses or cries! But that day it was non-stop... fussy-pants... hehe... Well, that evening she went down for a nap at 5 p.m. and slept until 8 a.m. the next morning, only waking briefly to eat a couple of times... making it a 15 hour stretch of sleep... growth spurt!!! :)
She loves to stand, to the point to where she gets upset if you sit her on the floor... ha! Other babies her age are not even sitting independently yet and she is standing! Busy Girl! :)
She doesn't really like the jumperoo much anymore.
She scoots around on her belly, rocks on her hands and knees, sits, stands at the couch or with you holding one of her hands. She pulls herself up to standing and climbs up on our laps.
About a week ago she started to articulate more sounds... "Bah, Gah, Dah...Dada" Yes! She is saying "Dada"!!!
I have pictures of all of these things and will post them once I get my new computer going...

One cute story for now:
The weather has been gorgeous these days! 70's and even 80 the day before yesterday. Well, that day after much playtime outside, Elia and I headed to Stop-N-Shop together for a few items. We had THE SWEETEST time!!!! We took Daddy's blue care, which she is not accustom to since we are always in the van with Liliana and Noah... It was a super-sweet quiet ride there being just the two of us and when we were almost there I heard a little noise from Elia and turned and said "Elia, you okay??" and then she busted out crying, so sweet... Mommy knew exactly what her cry said... "Where are we, where are we going, where are Liliana and Noah, why is it so quiet, I am not used to this Mommy!?" :) So sweet!!! She did the same thing on the way home just around the corner from the house. While we were in the store, we had the sweetest time... I just adored her and how sweet and little and beautiful and sweet she was sitting up so big, yet so little in the shopping cart!!! I did not have my phone or camera, so no pics but sweet images in my mind.
Sigh... I live for moments like these!!! My heart is so blessed and so full and so thankful!!! :)

In-Between Computers

I am inbetween computers right now so I have not been able to post pictures, etc... I am on Donnie's work laptop right now to post... I miss my blog... I have lots of pictures of these days and will update my blog big time as soon as my new computer is up and running!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


After the fun day of church, candy and egg hunt at church, then to friends house for lots of fun, food, friends, another egg hunt and lots of candy, then home to an Easter basket and more candy and little prizes, Liliana looks up at me from the living room floor and looks right into my eyes and says what she often says after she recieves a gift or has a fun day....

"Mommy, you know what was my favorite part about today... You and Daddy and Noah and Baby Elia and God!"


Project 365 Week 17

Sunday, April 17th

No pic.

Monday, April 18th

No training wheels! We took Liliana's training wheels and she was a pro in 5 minutes time!!!

Tuesday, April 19th

Elia's first toothbrush!

Liliana's fun hair-do!

Wednesday, April 20th
Eatin' grass... I took it out of her hand and mouth after this photo.

Vitamins... hahahaha... after they ate the last of the vitamins Liliana put grape tomatoes and baby carrots in there and she and Noah ate them up... God's vitamins!

Thursday, 4/21


Friday, 4/22

Good Friday with the Perez Family. Here is Elia with her friend Levi. He was born 3 weeks before her.

Egg hunt in the backyard! Fun! We also had a little cake for Manny's 3rd birthday! Sweet time!

Noah found and handed the last egg to Manny... AWE!!!! :) Noah has candy in his mouth here... surprised???....NO... :)


no pic

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Project 365 Week 16

Okay! I am still inbetween computers, but now have some access to my photos... Here is week 17 of this year... not many photos, but boy are they cute!!!

Thursday, April 14th

Hanging out in the backyard on one of our first gorgeous Spring days! Elia got a hold of Noah's juice pouch he left on her blanket... TOOOO CUTE!!!

Saturday, April 16th

Elia LOVES legos! :)
Noah, rocketing markers out of his mouth... so silly! :)

Elia attacking Noah... haha! She was pulling up on him... such a big girl!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Mommy: "Noah, why is there cheese all over the floor?"

Noah (in his deep Josh Turner/Scotty McCreery voice): "Because it's cheese."

Yes, the funniest thing ever!

Monday, April 18, 2011

No Training Wheels!

Today was a big day for Liliana! We took her training wheels off! :) Here is a video of her in action! Awesome job Big Girl! xoxo

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Elia is Traveling!

Elia has learned to scoot backwards! Tooooo cute!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Liliana's First Dental Visit!

What an exciting day for Liliana and Mommy! :)

First Liliana sat and watched and colored while I got my teeth cleaned... Then, when it was her turn she was suddenly hesitant... the hygenist was so wonderful and took her time to show Liliana her tools and she even let her use the air/water squirter... wow! :) The hygenist earned her trust and Liliana warmed right up and let her count her teeth, brush and floss them and put floride on them. She sat on my lap for the whole thing, which was so cozy for me... I could have taken a nap. Here is the super-cute part... Our sweet Liliana has had some big stuff going on in that mouth of hers......... SHE HAS ONE GROWN UP MOLAR, ONE THAT IS HALF-WAY OUT AND ONE ABOUT TO POKE THROUGH... This was SO cute to discover!!! I had completely forgotten that these teeth were due to come around this age... AWE! :)

The hygenist and Dr. Rob were very pleased with Liliana's oral hygeine... they did find 2 tiny/surfacy cavities, and one worth a small filling... Good job, Girl! :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Project 365 Week 15

Sunday, April 3rd

Fun in the backyard!

Later, after bathtime and greased up with Lavender Baby Oil... :) Monday, April 4th

Elia looking up at Mommy after nap and diaper change. How SWEET is this!?
Sweet Baby Legs!!!
Grandma sent a package full of clothes for the kids and candy and a shirt for mommy! WE LOVE PACKAGES FROM GRANDMA!!!! SHE IS THE BEST!!! XOXOXOXOXOX The kids LOVE their clothes and Noah work 3 of the new outfits in less than 24 hours. :) Tuesday, April 5th

Liliana wearing her new dress, necklace and headband that "Grandpa-Josh" bought her... aha.... he is one of Daddy's friends who is so sweet and honored to love our kiddos!
Wednesdy, April 6th

After less than 2 hours of sleep last night, Daddy left at 2:15 to head to Guatemala for 8 days! Will dedicate a separate post to this.

Beautiful Big Girl! :) He hair is getting thicker and longer... she loves it "poofy".
Thursday, April 7th

These came out blurry, but so cute!!! Elia playing Noah's piano toy!

Look at that happy face!!!
Off to Big Lots for the best price in town on baby food... ha! This was Elia's first time in the buggy seat... Here I am, mommy of three with them all in the buggy... haha! Love it!!! They were all exellent in the store! They are such great kids... I get compliments all the time on how well they behave... so encouraging to remember these comments during the usually unseen melt-downs they (the older two) have! :)
With Daddy in Guatemala, we went to the Snyders' for fun and dinner. Emma was there too. We all had a blast! Liliana and Emma held a worm for the first time, thanks to Sarah, the animal and bug expert!
Noah had other things to take care of...
Sarah shoveled out a pile of sand from the creek for each kid to dig through to look for worms...
Look how little, yet so lady-like Elia is sitting at their dining table. Too cute!
Friday, April 8th

Blurry... maybe I need to clean my lens...
Saturday, April 9th

Elia woke up from her nap and Liliana snagged her off the couch and brought her to a secret hiding place... I found them playing here behing my desk. Too cute! Elia thought it was cool and was happy as could be!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Born Again

This is my most favorite blog-post to date... and I know there are more of these to come!!! :) This morning over breakfast Liliana, all on her own accord, asked me how a person is born again. I know she has learned this before, but I told that when a person is born they are new to the world as a baby and they are born again when they ask Jesus into their heart and He makes them new on the inside. :) She then confidently and joyously declared "Ohhh, I have ask Jesus into my heart like 50 hundred times!" It was evident that this topic was in her heart and on her mind the entire day when she boldly declared as she danced around the house this evening "I am born again cuz I asked Jesus into my heart!" Sweet Liliana, You truly love Jesus in the most pure manner I have yet witnessed in my life. Your love for Him is completely uninhibited and your faith is so quick and innocent. Giant HUG, my sugary sweet little LOVE bug.... I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! :) XOXOXOXOXOXOX Love, Mommy :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Project 365ish...

I think I may become a Project 365 Drop-out! LOL! :) ... and stick with posts by event... hmmm...

March 27, 28 & 29

No pictures! :)

Wednesday, March 30th


Liliana sportin her new shirt. She had her 5 year Well-Visit with the Doctor today and had 2 shots! She is such a BIG girl.... I love you, our SWEET 5 year old girl!!! I have some pics on my phone from the doctor's office... will post them soon... She was so nervous about the shots and hid behind the chair to avoid the doctor and me and she was hysterical, but I finally had to scoop her up, which was not easy as she is a very strong girl, and hold her in my lap. Once the shots were done, she was calm as could be. On the way home in the van she talked about how brave she was and how she didn't even cry... and I thought she must have amnesia about it cuz she screamed and cried so hysterically, then she explained that she was so brave cuz she didn't cry AFTER the shot was done... there's PERSPECTIVE for ya! Loved that! Blessed my heart!

Thursday, March 31st

A very thoughtful friend brought over some balloons the other day that provided a couple of weeks worth of fun and pleasure. AWE! Thank you, Charlene! Friday, April 1st No Foolin! AttNott gave Liliana a very special gift for her birthday... babysitting 2 kids and $ for L & Mommy to go to the Claypen in West Hartford! LOVED THIS PLACE!!! I could make it my hangout if I lived closer. It was like a spa for me and I felt like it was my birthday gift because I had so much fun! We were there for 2 hours and it felt like 1! We hit Walgreen's on the way and grabbed chocolate milk, Rootbeer and Cheetoe's to snack on. See our drinks and the Cheetoes...
There were so many things to choose from... here is a glimpse... and see Liliana sneaking behind the shelf for a lolli-pop to bring home to Noah... so thoughtful.

Liliana chose to paint a unicorn...
She chose a hand-mirror for me to paint for her...
Our pottery is being baked and we will pick it up this week... will post pics of the end results soon! On the way home Liliana began talking about Elia turning 1 in September and said that she wanted to give her unicorn to her for her First Birthday... how generous and thoughtful!!! This girl is something else! :)

Earlier that same day we shed installed... they were in and out in 2 hours! wow! Here's the crew checkin' it out! :)

GREENBEANS! ...on the chin... not in the belly! :)
Saturday, April 2nd

Liliana playing with Elia... teasing her to grab a hold of the tiny scarf she is holding... LISA, see the newborn picture of Elia on the wall to the back-right.... :)
Story time! :) This book is "God is My Friend" so sweet!