Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tap Time!

Today they worked on lots of cool stuff! I am continually amazed by the structure and control of such young dance prodigies! They worked on shuffle-shuffle-step, hot potato, the chicken dance and some crazy dance to the "Row-Row-Row Your Boat" song. Fun!

Look at Noah back there pointing at his big sister! He tapped his toe, watched intently, ate raisins and was a perfectly good boy! Miss Kandie gave him a pop-pop at the end of class for being such a good boy...she always includes him in candy time.
That's me sitting on the floor by Noah...trying hard to stay out of the pictures. :o)
What a perfect class of two girls and two boys! Too cute! See me back there! Ha!

Noah News

I truly do love and fully embrace all of the stages of my children's lives...yes, there are those hard spots or little phases they go through, but they come and go quickly and usually only last a couple of days. I don't have a hard time with those phases because I understand their frustrations and their trying to adapt to getting bigger...we all go through these tough spots, even as adults, especially as women - lol. :o)

Right now, Noah is at a SUPER-CUTE and funny stage. He is always making us laugh! He has such dramatic facial expressions and talks so big it cracks us up! The other day he was sitting by Donnie as he was playing his game and said "that's funny", Donnie couldn't believe it...he talked about it for hours!

Noah LOVES to pray at meal time. He looks and me, then Donnie, then me, then Liliana and says "pay (pray)" again and again. He will have us pray "Thank you Jesus for this food, we love you Jesus, AMEN!" as many times as he so desires...sometimes up to 8 times or so. I will never decline an opportunity to pray, especially with children!!! :o)

"Yeup!" Ask Noah anything and if he agrees to it you will get a big "Yeup!" from him. It is so cute! He sounds like such a little man...a big, deep from the belly "Yeup!".

"Acuumer" - is Noah's word for Vacuum cleaner. He loves the vacuum! He looks for it and looks at it and tries to use it and uses any toy that has a long handle as an "acuumer". When he sees something he wants to show you, such as an acummer, he squats just a tad, shrugs his shoulders, tilts his head towards you, points and says "Acummer, come on" and then heads over to it!

"Power/Songs/Jesus" - are all words he uses to refer to music. He uses "power" most frequently lately because so many of thier bible songs from the past two VBS's are songs about God's power! Isn't that awesome! Like most boys, he also LOVES buttons and keys! He says "buttons" more clearly than most adults and he says "pocket" when he gets a hold of some keys, because they go in there, of course! Take him anywhere and he will find the buttons or keys, if there are none, he will find the rocks and dirt - lol! He still says "Bible" every time he lays down to go to sleep to get you to sing "Jesus Loves Me" to him. He is just the SWEETEST!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Left Foot, Right Foot...

...Feet, Feet, Feet......Oh, How Many Feet You Meet...
The Foot Book by Dr. Suess, Of Course!!! :o)
No Feet Like Noah's Feet...baby feet, that is! Ha! After 9th grade gym shoes...we'll see...ha!

My Little Artist

I love to paint! I love it and Liliana is following in mommy's creative footsteps...today I gave her a first real painting lesson... a simple scene of grass, flowers, sky and clouds. See my sample and how good Liliana did on hers! :) Here is my most recent piece. I am SO hesitant to put it on here because photo's of paintings do them NO justice & I am so NOT done with this yet...SO FUN!!! :o) I am a beginner and have zero training. This painting kind of just happened...it is amazing to see where a little dab of yellow paint can take a girl!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Old Sturbridge Village

I just don't know what to say about this bathroom set-up.... uhmm... looks like a men's room to me...

Daddy educatin' the children on how this little building out back works.
Look at this handsome little man!
I tried to get the kids to sit with me for a picture, then finally said "fine, I will have one by myself", then my girl joined me.

Chewing gum. Way too cute!

I just had to have a bull in my blog!
Liliana loved "milking the cow".

Photo booth style!

I love this one...
Where's Noah, What is Daddy saying & check out the bling on Liliana's finger!

The bling, btw, is from her friend Alley's recent princess birthday party!

I finally reached my arm out far enough to fit all of us in!

Mommy & her Noah!

Liliana was posed in front of this... she ran off! ha!
I just love red houses, barns, farmhouses... love them!

We had the best, most relaxing day! The weather was PERFECT... so perfect it knocked us all out... we are all very sleepy tonight! Nothing like fall weather!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


When we got to the van after the fun day at the castle, Noah would put his fingers in his ears then take them out and say "there you are".

Gillette Castle

Working on the dress ettiquete. :o) Check out Liliana's shades under her bangs! Ha! She is too cool!!!

What a beautiful spot!

What an amazing spot this is down below by the river! So relaxing! *sigh*

Here is Noah looking up at Daddy and pointing at the water and saying "pool". He calls any body of water, including the bathtub a pool and any type of sprinkling water rain.

Getting tired of all of my photo taking! Check out her plastered on smile... she is ready to run accross that bridge!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tap Time

Liliana had a great day at dance today. She and another boy were shy and stiff at first, but warmed up about 20 minutes into it.
I wiggle in my seat wanting to dance, that is how fun her class is! Miss Candy is amazing!
Moriah (spelling), teaching Liliana how to do the sum'n sum'n shuffle... ??? :o)

Air jump...
The ribbons are cool!

Olympics here we come...
Liliana hogged Moriah up today! Cute! She is such a graceful & sweet girl!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Woof, Woof!"

LILIANA JUST BARKED IN HER SLEEP!!!!! It is 10:50 p.m. and Noah just woke up crying so I went in to console him and while I was standing there tucking him in Liliana said in a groggy sleeping voice "woof, woof"... This girl has been acting like a dog or a cat for the past couple of days... when she gets her mind set on a character, she is in it 100%... evidently even in her dreams!

During the day she walks around the house on all fours and asks to drink water from a bowl and directs me on how to speak to her (i.e. "say 'stay' doggie", etc). Imaginary play is such a key part of a childs development that I go along with her characters for the most part, but I have a line drawn and let her know when it is time to be Liliana only. :o) So Sweet!

Here is our little Princess:
(This chicky is so photogenic, she makes taking photos a breeze!)

She went to her friend Alley's 5th Birthday Party today where all of the girls were dressed like princesses. What a sweet group of girls... with sweet mommies!

Friday, September 18, 2009

This Week's Cuteness

Playing outside on a beautiful cool crisp September morning! The wind was blowing and the leaves were rustling... Ahhh!!! Nothing like it!
Noah and his penguin that Hermine gave him a year ago. He is so sweet and loving. He is copying Liliana in how he carries around a stuffed animal or doll. Way too sweet!
Just like Mommy... Lilina's feet here are evidence of her using my camera to capture some priceless moments of her babies! LOL! :o)

Noah putting on chapstick in the van. He did really good holding it right to his lips and rubbing it until the temptation of the yummy tropical smell overtook him causing his mouth to open and his teeth to sink in and take a bite!
Notice that sister Suzie is sitting in her carseat... the van gets more and more full of toys... even with my one toy at a time rule. :o)