Thursday, December 31, 2009


What a wonderful year 2009 was!!! I truly enjoyed every moment and feel like the most blessed person on the planet! Looking forward to more of the same and so much more in 2010!

New Years Eve

Blaine and Heather came to visit us! They spent last night and most of today. Being around Heather for me is like sticking my finger in a light socket...pure energy, joy, laugher...just one of those amazing friends!!!! She is a children's pastor in the chicago area and is way super fun and super cool and super awesome and super sparkly...just like me...we just have the best times together!!!
Here we are saying "where's Noah" because he was napping...
The kids absolutely LOVED both of them, as I knew they would! They are so awesome with kids! The ultimate adopted Auntie & Uncle! Liliana wore them out with this find the animal game that Heather made up the night they got here...what did she get herself into!? Haha! "If you can't find your zebra, just call someone!" was what Liliana would say as she went off to hide pretending to be the missing animal (zebra, sheep, mouse, bunny, hippo, etc.). We would all help in the search, a very tough one as she would hide in the exact same spot every time!
Before they left she painted Liliana's nails and Liliana painted ours so we can all have the same blue sparkly nails while we were apart. Awe!
After they left we all took a long cozy nap and later made star and gingerbread man shaped sugar cookies...yummy!

Thank you, God, for 2009!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I had to run and get the camera for this sweet moment!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Good Morning Miss Curly Locks"

Here is the result of Liliana's night with rollers in her hair! Toooo sweet!!!! hehe!
This morning Liliana walked over to show me what she had written on her drawing pad...of 26 letters in the alphabet, she managed to somehow compile 8 of them into two words and in the order that makes sense: THIS LEAF ... wow! :o)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Liliana's Latest Masterpieces

The other day as I was working on the computer Liliana brought this to me...I was so amazed!!! Baby Jesus, the angel, Mary, Joseph, shepherds, clouds, mountains on the bottom (the bumpy lines) and a Christmas greeting...
This past Saturday at church as I was standing there chatting with Miss Mariam I saw Liliana over at the table drawing a bunch of circles as fast as she could. She told us she was working on a surprise for us...again, amazed when she brought this to us...the sun, flowers, clouds, trees, and grass!!! This is good for an adult...LOL!
I sure do admire her love for art and her God given talent...awe!!! Fun!!!


I love the way Noah's hair dried like this!!! Awe!
Playing with the dinosaur Grandma sent him..."ROAR"
Too cute in her rollers! She wanted them in tonight!

Pots 'n' Pans

Auntie Joy just told me a conversation she had with Liliana a couple of weeks ago. It went something like this:

Liliana - "Aunti Joy, do you give Emma spankin's?"

Joy - "Oh, no, honey, I don't give Emma spankings and I would never ever give you a spanking because I don't like giving spankings. I leave spankings up to moms and dads."

Liliana - "Well, if you ever did have to give Emma a spanking what would you use?"

Joy - "Well, I would probably use a wooden spoon because that is what I used on Emma's daddy when he was a little boy."

Liliana - "You should use pots and pans because that is what my mom uses."

Emma looked at Liliana in shock and disbeleif and said - "POTS AND PANS?!? My daddy uses his hand."

Liliana - "Yeah, when I get a spanking mommy uses pots and pans and she uses a wooden spoon on Noah."

Joy (trying to hold back the laughter) asked - "What kind and what size pot or pan does she use?"

Liliana - "Uhm, I don't know, I will find out."

Joy and I cracked up!!!! Where does she get this stuff!!! Too hilarious!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Oh Holy Night...

One of my most favorite things about Christmas is the Christmas Eve Candlelight services we have at church! They are so hour of reflection, carols, prayer and wishing your friends and family a Merry Christmas!
The four of us walked up on stage to open the service.
Afterwards at home, we worked on a gingerbread house...super sweet fun! I vaccumed up the mess to ready ourselves for our sweet friends, Lloyd and Diane Nott. They wanted to come over to bring the children gifts. I am so thankful for their thoughtfulness towards us, especially during times like this with us being so far away from family. They try to fill in that gap of "grandparents" and we help Diane with her missing her daughter and 2 grandkids the same ages as our kids in Tennessee. God is SO good to us!!!
Christmas Morning!!!
The first gift Noah opened was these shoes, so every gift after that he would point to and say "shoes". Awe! He put these on right away and wore them half the day! After the kids opened their gifts Liliana said "this was really nice of you guys" sweet and simple and grateful! Awe!
We spent a lot of the day right here on the couch! There was about a straight hour that all four of us were on there together! Liliana and daddy all tuckered out!
In the evening we made an attempt to visit with Grandma and PawPaw over the webcam to open the gifts they sent the kids but I could not get it working, so we did a video of it!
Liliana loves the dinosaur that Noah got from them! Thank you for all of the perfect gifts you sure have that grandma's touch! xoxox!
We had a wonderful day! The kids watched Rudolph and Frosty for the first time and we enjoyed just being together and listening to lots of Christmas songs all day! Honey baked ham and all that goes along with it filled our tummies and the Love of Jesus filled our hearts!
As daddy said in a text a few minutes ago "this was the best Christmas ever"...awe!
My favorite moment of this Christmas would have to be this one:
Tonight as I was tucking Liliana into her bed and saying "goodnight" I asked her what her favorite part of the whole day was and she pointed to her new dolly next to her and said "this doll is my favorite and this dog is my favorite and baby Jesus is my favorite gift"... Hearing her say this was my favorite gift!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Remembering Jesus' Birth

I love Christmas! I love the music, the lights, the cookie baking, and especially the reminder of Jesus being born as a baby to spend 33 years on this earth in the flesh among us... I can only imagine this sweet sweet baby boy with such a big task ahead of Him as fully God and fully man.
John 1:14 says "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

Hebrews 4:15 "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet without sin."

During this most special time of the year the enemy is right there so ready to distract us with greed, selfishness, self-pity and loneliness...there is something about it...seeing those around you who are surrounded by loved ones when you are not, or lavished with things you just cannot afford, or whatever it may be...we must be on guard to not fall into the this scheme of the enemy to take away the joy of celebrating our most treasured GIFT of Jesus Christ, our unfailing Joy, our Peace, our salvation, our everything! :o)

A friend of mine posted a most beautiful reminder for us all:

"To put it in perspective, about 2,000 years ago, a young virgin girl went into labor with her first child. Never had labor pains, no mommy there, no sister, no family except for her husband, giving birth for the first time in a barn. How scary! It costs to carry Jesus. Thank God for tough women (and men) who risk all to carry Jesus."

While we are lavished with warm houses, fine china, friends and family in and out of the house, may we take a moment to remember that our most precious Gift did not have these things when He came into this world. God's divine plan had Him to be born in a manger, God's divine plan had Him to later in life ride a donkey instead of a fine stallion and to ultimately die on a cross. There was nothing "glorious" in the natural about this Man, Jesus...

Isaiah 53

Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.
By oppression and judgment he was taken away.
And who can speak of his descendants?
For he was cut offf from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was stricken.
He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deciet in his mouth.

Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.
Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
Thank you, Precious Jesus, for coming to this earth as a baby for us!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Another SWEET Day!

Dance class was so cute as usual... Noah was putting his thumbs on his face...doing somethin..??

Liliana had a small cup of white cranberry peach juice this morning and later on asked for some more and I said "no honey, you already had some juice today, you need to drink some milk now". Later on I heard her having the same discussion with her baby doll! Her baby doll wanted juice but she told her that she already had juice and needed to drink some milk... too cute!!!
We baked and we baked today...about 6 dozen cranberry walnut cookies and 6 dozen oatmeal chocolate chip pecan cookies for our cookie exchange...Liliana was my sweetest helper and they both had a blast with our guests...a bunch of laughing women...Donnie stayed upstairs and enjoyed time alone while the kids were the life of the party...we did not plan it that way but the ladies asked for the they joined us. Liliana said "this is the coolest party EVER!"...awe! Noah ran back and forth had the best time!

Yet another...SWEET day!
P.S...I LOVE being a mommy and all that it entails SOOO MUCH...MY OH MY!!! If it weren't for c-sections, money and age...I would have like 5 more kids...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

On Saturday, the weather man had us on our toes ready for 14-18 inces of snow....
So... off to the stores Liliana and I went to face the holiday crowds in search of some snowboots for Noah... and snowsuits for both...
We actually only got about 5 inches of snow...
We still had church that morning...but I knew the kids would NOT be able to go from the front door to the van without venturing into the snow, nor did I want them too...
SO...I got them all suited up and out we went...
they still look sleepy...

Liliana's first snow angel (I am pretty sure)...
Yummm! The breakfast of champions!
At church all tuckered out from the snow...
Tooo sweet!!!
Refueled after having a bagel and hot cocoa at the Crossroads Cafe! We had a fun time at church as there were not very many people there that morning. It was special!
Yep, he was tired! He fell asleep on the way home...
After Noah's nap we had lunch then made and ate our very first snow-made-ice-cream!!! Yummy! This was very special for Donnie as his mommy used to make it all the time when he was a kid. Awe!
What a sweet day!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


We have a routine of bringing Liliana over to Auntie Joy's about once a week for a long afternoon of play with her dear friend, Emma. We usually drop Liliana off without a hitch...until today...Noah was so upset. I will preface by saying that he has a cold and was not feeling to good today...he kicked and screamed and took of his shoes AND his socks out of frustration that he did not get to go into AJ's house and play too. AWE! I felt so bad for the sweet bug! He kept saying "Yana, ah-go???" (Liliana, where's she go?)...He really missed her while she was gone this afternoon. Too sweet!

This event showed me that he is beginning to "care" more about having friends around...thank God for Manny! He has been saying "Casey" and "Manny" for almost three days now. This is the first time he has talked so much about a non-family-member all on his own so much...except for Roxie, and Grandma, of course!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our Sweet Singer

Tonight we had our Annual CCC Staff Christmas Party, a very special event I really look forward too! It is a rare time when almost every single CCC staff person and their families are all together in the same place at the same time with nothing to do but have fun! One of the things we do is have a talent show. Here is Liliana singing "Down By The Riverside" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". She also sang Away in a Manger, but we did not have the camera ready since she went up first and it happened so fast. She did WONDERFULLY! She loves singing in front of people and does so every chance she can get! She could not wait to sing for everyone tonight...we kept having to tell her "not yet"...Here is the cutest singer EVER (notice her doggy sitting on the piano behind her):

I must also write about what a perfectly well-behaved sweetest boy we had with us at the party...our sweet Noah!!! He sat in his high chair almost the entire time (3 hours) and just ate and ate and watched what was going on without a single complaint! He did play with the kids the last 30 minutes or so...he looked so proud to be hanging out with his big sister and her friends! Adelyn Walker is one of those friends...Liliana just loves her...she kept asking me if she could give her hugs! Awe!!! Love you babies!!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

LOVE and stuff...

Liliana gave Donnie a bear to give me to sleep with the other night and the next morning at 6:10 she came to our room and I thought she wanted to come up into our bed and she said "no, I am just coming to see if you still have your bear"...she left then came back and said "I just want to say I love you".....AWE...SHE JUST HAD TO TELL ME SHE LOVES ME....AWE!!!!

the new year is just around the corner...I can't wait to start working on this years blog book...I don't feel right about starting on it until after this year is complete...yay!!! :o)

Mommy has been in therapy for her lower back the past two weeks...injury due to...??...too much lifting of my infant....wait...2 year old...30 lb boy!!! :o) Therapy is going great and just started the P90X...yay! Getting in shape...feels so great!!! wooh!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Jesus Year!

Today I turned 33!

I feel old...but in a good way...I feel wiser...calmer about EVERYTHING...not anxious or striving about stuff or the future...I feel ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE!!!!!

We had a nice day at home...had delicious cake Donnie bought...then we went out to Adam's Mill Restaraunt...coconut shrimp was my favorite...yummo!

Then we went to see 2012...Donnie is so bad to bring me to such a long terrible movie on my birthday...LOL!!! :o) I am just teasing...I had a wonderful time...just thought the movie was terrible...totally NOT realistic and bad acting! ha! :o) Anyways!

One thing that was in my heart all day was how many hours I have been on this earth...Instead of thinking of the years, I thought about the single hour is a gift. There are so many things you can do in an hour:

read some books to your kids
go for a jog
cook a meal
call a friend and encourage them
write a sermon outline
pray for the world
sing and dance with your kids
take a nap

There are also so many ways to waist and hour:

being lazy (sometimes good)

...I will not waste a single hour...I will live every one of the hours I am blessed with on purpose and with thanks...especially the hours with my kids and my husband!!! Thank you, Jesus!!! It is not so much what you do in a day that impacts a life, it is what you can do in an hour. Meaningless days can come and go with regret, but an hour of focus can change a life!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Luxuries of Renting

Having an indoor pool and hot-tub are two luxuries we would not have to break up the winter routine if we owned a home...something that I wanted really badly a year ago. Now, we love where we live and are absolutely blessed beyond measure!!! Thank You, Jesus!
Our big-girl swimmer! :o)
Noah is so funny, he reminds us of little man in how we goes straight to the hot-tub all by himself. I think he feels it is more his size. Awe!!!
The lockers are definitely a big part of the routine! The whole experience, from suiting up to drying off and getting home is definitely a great calorie-burner for me...which I need right now! :o)

We go swimming about once a week and I finally brought my camera so I can blog it!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This is the kind of thing that goes on when Daddy is home. Daddy's glasses...
The kids have been doing and saying the cutest things lately...

Noah was on the stairs the other day and out of nowhere let out this big burp...he turned to me and said "I tooted".

I was one of the chaperone's for the 27 teen girls from CCC who went to the Revolve Tour at the XL Center this past weekend. I was away from home for about 30 hours and when I returned Liliana was TOO cute and I was SO happy to get back home to my sweet girl after being with the teenagers... :o) ...Liliana kept saying things like "we're a team, right mom?" and "your my helper" and "I'm your girl". I was so happy to get a shower when I got home and guess who joined right in...She was in such a big-time-mommy-mode...AWE!!!

Liliana is all big in so many of the things she says. One of them is in the mornings she says "I slept so good", all dramatic. Donnie told me that when I was gone Noah said "I seep good" in the morning when he woke up. Later in the day he layed down for a nap but didn't fall asleep but came to the door and when Donnie showed up Noah told him "I seep good"...he did this like three times but...he didn't even

This past Sunday I brought the kids into the sanctuary for worship and Liliana didn't want to leave daddy's side, so I let her stay in service with us to avoid a public meltown. I gave her a notepad and pen and I just happened to look at one of the pages and found the only thing written on the middle of the page was LOVE ...she randomly put those four letters together and wrote my favorite word!!! I saved the paper...will take a picture of it.

Bed Graduations

This is Noah's first night in his new bed (12/2/09)...these are Liliana's the second night his blue sheets were on there! :o)
We graduated Noah to Liliana's bed and got her a new bed and put hers up on a! :o) Liliana loves her new bed! She is even napping in it...voluntarily! :o) She feels like a princess way up there in her new bed. Awe!
Noah had been in his pack and play for several months since he jumped out of his crib. He is such a little guy of routine that he had a hard time transitioning to his big boy bed. He would get out of the bed and come to the door and call for me and when I would come he would stand there and talk this jibber-jabber really sweetly and then I would say "Noah, you need to go to your bed and go to sleep" and he would say "close" and close the door and lay down...and he would do this again and again. He was WAY TOO SWEET to be "in trouble" for getting out of bed just yet. He was so sweet and innocent and he just seemed so perplexed by this new set up and this new found freedom, he just didn't know quite what to do with it. SO, the first night we were tired and Donnie wasn't ready to really hang in there with me so we surrendered to put him back in his pack and play...Noah was so happy at the idea that he stood up and threw his blankets in there and was so happy...BUT...less than two hours later he woke up about three time crying within 1/2 hour, which is something he never does, so I brought him to his new bed and snuggled with him until he fell asleep. AWE!!!
The next night he did the whole calling me and love talking thing...he would put his hands on our cheeks and get right up in our face and whisper the sweetest little nothings - literaly - lol... way too we were very patient with him through his transition and found that the threat of putting him back in his pack and play kept him in bed!
Today I took the pack and play out of his room and he is sleeping so sweetly in his big boy bed!
Every kid is different and our little guy is definitely SWEET, SENTIMENTAL, AND A CREATURE OF HABIT AND ROUTINE.
Their room is so sweet and cozy now...we are blessed beyond measure!!!