Friday, April 23, 2010

"I will Clean the WHOLE house... and Daddy won't have to clean anything anymore." Those were Liliana's words at bedtime last night when I thanked her for being such a big helper.

This morning, I had forgotten about her declaration until later when I put some thought into her bringing her stool into the kitched to wash our breakfast plates and cups. AWE! It was so cute to wash those little hands scrubbing those cups with the super-bubbly washcloth.

She is a very good helper and takes much pride in cleaning up.

What a SWEET girl!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Donnie: "Liliana, stop scratching your butt" (yes, he said butt - I say bum. She had her hand in her pants scratching away.)

Liliana looks at him as serious as can be and says sternly: "You just don't understand my bum!" Donnie was cracking up because the way she said it was as if she had a relationship with or an understanding of her bum!

We now have a Wii and Liliana plays a Dora game on it... the other day she thought she beat it and I said "Are you sure you beat it, I didn't see the princess, did you??" and she said "I think she was up in the loft working on the computer". I said "Like mommy princess - ME?". AWE! We have a loft where I work on the computer. How sweet that she related the princesses activities on a Dora game to her mommy's daily activities.

Random things Liliana says in her own way: "In a minute ago" and "myselth, "yourselth"

Noah LOVES balloons...he says balloon SO CUTE: "Bloon" (very exagerated)

Our Sweet Baby Girl #2

We are having another GIRL!!! :o)

I started to cry from happiness (and relief, especially for Liliana) when I learned during yesterday's ultrsound that we are having a girl because she said if it were a boy she would give it to another kid. Haha!!! Kid logic and words meaning...she REALLY wanted a girl!!! She attributes the gender to Daddy's prayer the day before the ultrasound...she asked him to pray for a baby girl. AWE!

Baby Girl #2 is SO cute and SWEET...even on an ultrasound...she was moving her hands all around her face trying to put her left hand in her mouth and she opened her mouth so a perfect circle...I LOVED IT!!! I also saw her pursing her mouth sucking vigorously on...her lips???


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our Little Artist

There is nothing she can't draw...she will ask me to show her how to draw a new animal and I will draw one out for her ONE time and BOOM...she will do it even better than mine...better because her lines seem more free than mine...she is not afraid to let the pen go where it needs to go...and she gives her creatures such amazing personalities. She can draw a mouse, alligator, dogs, cats, birds (my favorite), people, etc, etc...
A horse (I did not draw this one out for her...she just did it):
A cow (I LOVE his head and see the utters):
A cat:
I drew the pig on the left and she drew the one on the right:

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thomas & More

Noah's ongoing romance with Lyanna at church...LOL! He does NOT like her lovin'! She doesn't is just like Pepe-Le-Pew (spelling). Ha! She kisses his arm or cheek, hugs him, sits by him...too cute!
Being silly...hiding in the first corner by the door of the toddler room upon entrance...sometimes he gets kind of shy, which I find ADORABLE...but when he is shy I think he knows it is what he is doing here...he came out two minutes into it with a sweet smile.
Noah LOVES his Thomas blanket!! If he gets tired, sad, in trouble, he says "Thomas blanket" and goes up to his room to get it. Makes my mommy heart melt to know my boy has a blankey! Liliana never got attached to a blanket...she is more attached to ALL of her stuffed animals...although since she has turned 4 she doesn't play or sleep with them as much and even told Daddy she wanted to give them all to another kid...wait a minute...don't grow up too fast! ha!

Here Noah made a bed out of the bottom step of the stairs:
Noah has the biggest imagination...he will make ANYTHING into whatever he wants it to be. Today he was using a magnet about 2 inches long and 1/2 inch wide as a cell phone...LOL!!! He has used smaller and stranger things as cell phones. Everything can be a guitar, expecially if it has a bigger or more rounded end to it...but totally not a requirement! Tonight at bedtime he was using his bed as a staircase again, by shifting the top mattress about 8 inches back from the box spring to make two steps (his bed is not on a frame)...he put his little step stool on the bottom "step" of his bed stairs and told me he was going down stairs to eat...unsure of his next move I said "okay" and watched as he stepped down from the step stool and walked across the box spring (the first step), sat down on the mattress, reached down for imaginary food and took a bite and said "it's good, mommy"...

Noah will work on whatever the task is for as long as it takes without once espressing frustration...he is extremely calm, cool, controlled, peaceful and diligent...nothing frazzles him! He is a very focused little is amazing to watch...except for when his focus is on something he shouldn't be doing...ha...then there are tears of frustration from both me and him! haha!
Here he is working on putting a shirt on...for like 5 minutes... sorry Liliana-Love, but gotta say, you would be crying 1 second into the frustration...hehe!