Friday, December 31, 2010

The Sweet Scoop

Elia remains to be the SWEETEST babie ever!!!! She is amazing!!!
She sleeps anywhere from 9 pm - 10 or 11 am the next day give take a little. She then is awake for about an hour or two then naps for a good 2 - 4 hours, then is awake for two, then another good nap or a couple of cat naps. She falls asleep and transitions to bed without a fuss and wakes up with a little whimper or cry but greets you with a smile when you reach her bed.
She LOVES to talk to people... yes, conversing is for sure her favorite thing to do! At church she is just this biggest social bug, she smiles and talks to everyone she sees and everyone eats it up. I definitely see me in her in this part of her personality. Love it! My heart melts as I write... sigh! :o)
She loves to stand on your lap and has since early on has excellent head control.
She does not like belly time, it is torture for her! I suspect she may skip the whole crawling thing and go straight to walking.
She is drooling big time! She can soak up a bib in no time! I keep peeking in there for some teeth... I know they must be in the works.
She loves sucking on her hands and on her bib.
She is holding her little stuffed animals now, which is so sweet! There is one dolly that says "I love you" and makes kissing sounds that she loves and smiles at.
One very funny thing that she did the other day and again today is she yells at daddy... It started about two days ago when Donnie was at the kitchen table with the kids and I was holding Elia and they were play shouting at each other all excited about who knows what and Elia just look right at Donnie as bright eyed as can be and blatently shouted "uuahhaah" at him! She did it about 10 times with pauses for reaction in between. We were taken aback and looked at each other like "huh?" and looking at her trying to figure out if she was about to cry or what. We had never seen anything like it! Then this evening, she did the same thing, all on her own, out of know where, she was sitting on my lap and looked over at Donnie and shouted "ahhaah" at him two or three times. Hehehe... spunky, huh!? :o) Tooo cute!!!

Project 365

Monday, December 27th 2010

Our First real snow of the season! Here Noah is trying to throw snow"balls" at me. Look at those sweet cold, red cheeks; I was continually pulling my glove off to put my warm bare hand on them to warm them up a bit.

Our backyard, a Winter Wonderland!

He insisted upon wearing one of my scarves! AWE!

I headed in a few minutes before them to run a warm bath and prepare some nice hot cocoa to warm those babies up!

Tuesday, December 28th
No Picture
Wednesday, December 29th
Liliana's first real tea set from Marilyn Lopata. AWE! (Yes, I write "AWE" a lot in my blog, but I have to write from my heart and I say "awe" a lot in my head, evidently)
Liliana and Noah drank so much hot chocolate and hot tea from their tiny tea cups that they BOTH went to the bathroom TWICE during thier one hour party.

December 30 & 31st, 2010
No pictures

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Project 365

Monday, December, 20th
Holding her blanket! AWE!
Tuesday, December 21st
Wednesday, December 22
NO Picture! Cannot believe it!

Thursday, December 23rd
When I told Donnie we were headed to the mall he said "sounds crazy, but have fun"... haha! It was crazy, but SO fun! :o) It was Levi and Manny's mommy who invited us to join them. :o)

Elia's first ride on a carousel... AWE!

Noah was so intrigued by the workings of this beautiful peice of machinery.
Elia's evening nap...
Sunday, December 26th
Snow-Scream from the good 10 inches we got... a day late and a dollar AND it was not the snowman makin' kind... had fun in it anyways! More to come on that...

Christmas Day

Good Morning!
Notice the red tool in Liliana's hand... it is a tape measure... they each got one the night before ($1 from Home Depot!)... they love measuring tapes and were measuring everything they could and they even slept with them..........and........

We seriously have the SWEETEST HEARTED kids in the whole wide world... look at what they were doing to their presents first thing on Christmas morning!!!
Heart-melting SWEET!!!
Daddy couldn't believe it when he saw Mommy hand the kids each a cookie for a breakfast appetizer!
Our kitchen walls really are NOT watered down split pea soup colored!
The tiny Christmas tree craft we made on Christmas Eve.
I put Elia in the sweater, hat and blanket Mary from church made her. Mary is 90+ years old and is amazing! She is fashionable and does not seem her age at all! She is so inspiring and as sweet as sugar, vigorous and full of life! I want to be like her when I am 90! :o) We are so blessed to have something handmade by her. Yes, I did get a tad carried away here on the photos... hehe...

We were so much looking forward to having our neighbors over for Christmas dinner and fun (we are so blessed to have so many wonderful neighbors), but had to cancel due to the pink-eye outbreak in our home... we had a wonderful time nonetheless...

Polar Express
An attempt at a Christmas 2010 finale photo before bed...

Christmas Eve!

Daddy woke up not feeling to great... he finally got the virus we all had over the past 2 weeks. He still ventured out to a nearby town with a friend to pick up a kitchen table and chairs we found on Craigslist. It is solid oak and was only $50!!! We LOVE it!!! It feels so country and homey and fits perfectly in our kitchen! :o)

We hung out at home preparing the house for evening guests, but ended up having to cancel since daddy was under the weather...

Elia looks so much like Liliana in this picture!!! Wow!

Christmas Eve Candlelight service:

Daddy and Elia stayed home but he insisted we go and enjoy the tradition and sentiment of the service. Liliana had major ants in her pants but Noah did great!!!
We LOVE you, Jesus!!!