Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

Good Morning!
Notice the red tool in Liliana's hand... it is a tape measure... they each got one the night before ($1 from Home Depot!)... they love measuring tapes and were measuring everything they could and they even slept with them..........and........

We seriously have the SWEETEST HEARTED kids in the whole wide world... look at what they were doing to their presents first thing on Christmas morning!!!
Heart-melting SWEET!!!
Daddy couldn't believe it when he saw Mommy hand the kids each a cookie for a breakfast appetizer!
Our kitchen walls really are NOT watered down split pea soup colored!
The tiny Christmas tree craft we made on Christmas Eve.
I put Elia in the sweater, hat and blanket Mary from church made her. Mary is 90+ years old and is amazing! She is fashionable and does not seem her age at all! She is so inspiring and as sweet as sugar, vigorous and full of life! I want to be like her when I am 90! :o) We are so blessed to have something handmade by her. Yes, I did get a tad carried away here on the photos... hehe...

We were so much looking forward to having our neighbors over for Christmas dinner and fun (we are so blessed to have so many wonderful neighbors), but had to cancel due to the pink-eye outbreak in our home... we had a wonderful time nonetheless...

Polar Express
An attempt at a Christmas 2010 finale photo before bed...

1 comment:


Oh what wonderful pictures! The children look so peaceful and content in their Christ loving home. I love the measuring tape measurement of the presents. I want a real picture of Elia in the knitted outfit soooo cute I love you ALL forever MOM and GRANDMA (me)