Monday, December 20, 2010

Potty Trained!!!

I kept forgetting to post this, but Noah is fully potty trained!!! Yay! Congratulations, Noah!!! :o)

It was a looong journey that began months ago, probably around April. He would first just pee in the toilet right before bath time, well, because that was a good convenient time to say, "hey, your diaper is off & the toilet is right there, go ahead and pee in it before you get in the bath tub". I guess part of me did it to prevent him from peeing in the bathwater he shared with his sister and loved to drink on occasion.

Then... it was a looong summer... and fall... of "naked boy" and pee on the floors and me saying "these are the last size 6 diapers I am going to buy", only to buy some a few days later being tired of feeling like I had a new puppy in the house. :o) It was NOT at all that the guy couldn't use the toilet, it was that it was SO NOT important to him, so he didn't put his full effort into making a commitment to doing it.

Then, he was partially there, he decided, yes, the toilet is for ME, but only for PEE! (haha, I just made a rhyme) But, he would not use the toilet for the other purpose... until about a month ago he passed over the threshold from toddler to big-boy! AWE!!! He still uses a pull-up at night time only. He naps in his underwear and with no problem!

Good work, Noah, our BIG BOY!

1 comment:

Meg A. said...

We just started here at our house and my word, it's a lot of work! Congrats to Noah! (and you!)