Monday, December 31, 2012

The Last Two Days of 2012

The kids LOVE to work out downstairs with Daddy.  He does P90X and I join him during his night work out as he sometimes works out twice a day.  Here is a sweet glimpse of the girls working out...hehe!  :)
Chef Noah
assisting Chef Daddy with French Toast.  YUM!
Elia put these guys on the folded laundry and decided to chill with me as I folded more.
 New Years Eve!
We had an ordianary blessed day!
Liliana put one of her shirts on cute!
 this photo cracks me UP!  Elia on the barbie car...I love how I find myself laughing out loud while doing my blog!  :)
That's 2012!
Super blessed beyond measure and looking forward to more fun and loving in 2013!  To God be all the Glory and praise for all HE has done in, for and through us!!!!!  :) 

Noah just said to Donnie:

"You have the right muscles to be Spider-Man!"
"I want to have the same muscles as Daddy."
"I'm gonna start working out with him."
"Daddy, I'm gonna work out too cuz I want the same muscles as you."

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Day

The wee hours of the night...
With the flash...
Merry Christmas!!!
We opened some gifts straight away and a finished up after breakfast.
Noah couldn't believe his Spider-man glove with the motion activated, web slinging sound effects.  He had been wanting that for a while.
and check out his new hologram Spider-man belt!  He had also been asking for a belt for a while...he had actually been wearing my blue one around the house and to church sweet!!!
Little Momma holding Elia's new babydoll.
"Nuh-uh!" said Daddy when he opened the apron I had made for him!  He started asking for one two weeks ago, one custom made with family photos, not knowing I had ordered one 4 weeks prior and had it right in the closet.  He couldn't believe it!  YAY!
Look at Elia pointing at the picture of Pawley on it.  :)  The top says "Chef Daddy = The
 NO way!  Look at the mask/helmet Daddy bought does the Power-Ranger song and sounds too!
 Liliana opening up her iPod.  :)  It was mine, but she was using it some and pleaded for a iPod for weeks before Christmas, so we wrapped it up and blessed this girl big time!  Thank you, Lord!  :)
Love this photo!  "NO WAY! Where did you get this!?"  Shaving kit...he just asked for more shaving cream a couple of days ago and was looking for his old kid razor. YAY!
The ultimate gift...the one he asked Santa for!  Woooh!
 Later on, playing in the girls room with Elia's new Potato Heads...FUN!  Good buy, Daddy!
 We watched the Jim Carrey "The Grinch" yesterday and Liliana adored the little girl from Whoville and said she wanted to be here is our version...Adorable!
Donnie made 14 hour slow-cooked brisket and Au-Gratin potatoes, etc for Dinner...YUM!  
 Elia sleeping with her buddy.  :)
 I noticed while doing this post that we have no pictures of Mommy today...that aint right!  :)
Thank you, God for a super sweet and blessed Christmas!  We love you and Happy Birthday, Jesus, our Savior, Redeemer, King, Friend who sticks closer than a brother! xoxo

Project 365 Week 52

Sunday, December 23rd
I am sure you are not surprised by this sight!
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day have their own posts.
December 26th - no pic
Thursday, December 27th
Samurai Elia and her brother with the invisible super-powers thanks to camera effects.
Friday, December 28th - no pic
Saturday, December 29th
Liliana and Noah painted stones while Elia naped.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

Candy Cane Cuteness!
Pawley in a teeny Santa hat.

A very dear friend from church sent these earring home with Donnie for Liliana with a note saying: "Liliana has just touched my heart in such a special way that I wanted to get her something special for Christmas." She said she is working on a little something for Noah and Elia.
It had been nearly 4 months since Liliana got her ears peirced and had not changed out to different earrings yet and said two days ago: "I wish I had some pretty earrings to wear for the Christmas Eve, God knew! She carried the box of new earrings around for hours until she worked up the courage to have me put them in.  She was so proud of herself and so thankful for the gift!

Here she is pointing to the photo of herself on the ornament she made in Kindergarten with NO earrings.
At church for the Candelight Service.  totally not digging the red lipstick...oh-well, you don't know till you see it in a photo. Still LOVE this photo! Elia is working on some gum.
Elia was SO SO SO SO VERY VERY BUSY THE ENTIRE TIME...never seen anyone so comfortable and unintimidated by 800+ people, loud music, girly!  She was too cute in her dress but too busy for a photo. 
Later that evening we had cookies and left some for Santa.  Here the kids are in the new PJ's grandma sent them!

Stockings Ready!


Friday, December 28, 2012

Project 365 Week 51

Sunday, December 16th - no pic
Monday, December 17th - no pic
Tuesday, December 18th
Super cool kid ready for a fun day! :)
Wednesday, December 19th
HeePop...kept Elia content during Noah's school Christmas Pageant.  :)
Thursday, December 20th
The kids hung out with their sitter in the toddler room at church while Donnie and I hosted the Keenager's Christmas Dinner in the Cafe.  I was all dressed up in my red dress and had a sweet time! 

Friday, December 21st
Gingerbread Cookie Time! 
Noah did 95% of the work!
Elia played with a ball of cinnamon dough.

Since Liliana and I made the cookies last time while Noah was in church, she joined us when she got home from school and helped us frost while Elia napped.  Look how dark it is was only 4:30ish.

 Saturday, December 22nd
Fun around the house.  Elia loves to wear Liliana's old Ballet shoes.  :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Sweetest Christmas Pageant

Noah was Joseph in his Preschool's Christmas production.  The sweetest most handsome little guy, ever!  He did a FANTASTIC job!  We love you so much, Noah!  :)
  There he is next to baby "Jesus" and the Donkey and Mary.  Behind Mary is "God" with the white beard and hair and crown...hehe...too cute!  Also in the cast are the sheep, a cow, shepherds, angels, the Star of David, the inkeepers and the 3 Wise Men.

 Proud Mommy with "Joseph"!  :)
 Proud Daddy with "Joseph"! :)