Monday, June 29, 2009

Amazing Imagination!

Liliana is constantly cracking us up!!! She has such a big, giant personality! Here are some of the things she has said in the past couple of days.

Today she started calling Donnie her "Husband, Tito"... lol!!! What in the world!? Ha!!! :o)

Last night she was not listening to me so in my exhausted state, I stearnly said "get in your room now" and she said a few minutes later that she wanted to go to heaven to be with God because he is nice and I said "I am nice" and she said "I want to go to heaven and be with God because He is not upset with me" and I smiled and said "Liliana, I love you, but you weren't listening to me so, of course I was upset" and she said "I know" and we talked it about it some more and she came and gave me a hug and we laughed.

Man, three year olds can sure turn the table on you, you have to be on your game to make sure you have the upper hand to not let your emotions get tied into the things they say. They are way smarter than we realize and are cheif manipulators if you let them be! Not in the Capps household!

Our Love Bug

Liliana and I went to VBS today and left Noah home with Daddy since he has Monday's off. Donnie said that he is the easiest kid ever! He said he just walked around and ran around and would run over to him and crack up and then run off. I told Donnie he was in awe of having Daddy ALL to himself! So sweet! He was just snuggling and loving on Daddy all day long!
He has the cutest face ever! He smiles with his entire face. He has the perfect chin, perfect eyebrows, eyes, eylashes, mouth, nose, cheeks... *sigh*. :o) Look at those long and beautiful eyelashes! Way to sweet!
Our routine at bathtime at night is that I get Noah out first so he can have some time alone in the room while Liliana plays for a good 15-20 minutes longer in the bathtub by herself. She loves it! She just enters into her own world in the bathtub and Noah enjoys the time by himself. Then they snuggle and Daddy joins us for the day's wrap-up. We talk about our day and what we will do the next and we sing songs and pray. Priceless, simple, family moments.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

BIG Personality!

My little man! What a big personality! Check out the waffle on his thumb!
Always busy! A good, calm, quiet and focused busy! He is the sweetest EVER! Such a good boy! He knows his boundaries and is most of the time so good about staying within them. He is never worried, distracted or concerned about the crowd around him, very independent and set apart.

He loves anything that goes up/down, in/out, open/close, on/off, full/empty. Typical 19 month old stuff.

Here he is with his buddy, Manny. Two PK's. They are five months apart.

Here he is napping on Liliana's bed. Liliana was at Auntie Joy's with Emma so I decided to let Noah try out sleeping on a twin bed. He is the cutest sleeper ever!

Noah loves to put on shoes. It is usually one of the very first things he does in the morning when we get downstairs. He goes right into the coat closet and finds this pair of shoes and puts them on. Way too cute!!! Here he is opening the coat closet with one of the shoes on.

He is a big talker with big personality! His newest thing is to keep the last bit of whatever he just ate in his mouth forEVER! He will keep his mouth shut full of food and drool for a good hour before he either suddenly opens his mouth due to crying over a toy or swallows it for a bite of something else later. Ha! :o)

This is what Noah does when he is tired. He puts one hand (4 fingers) in his mouth and says "ayayayayaya" and plays with his hair with his other hand. Notice the accessories. lol. He loves to try things on, shoes, headbands, sunglasses, hats, anything! He has one ear bent in this one. Ahh!
Here his is on the way home from church today. No shorts - diaper leaked. Chocolate on his cheek and a bite of chocolate chip waffle from the toddler room in his mouth - for the past 40 minutes!!! Yucky! Ha! Liliana's sunglasses.

Noah's personality depicts the meaning of his name - exactly! Peace and rest. He has always be a very peaceful guy and at rest with whatever is going on around him.

I am so in love! *Sigh*

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Prayers for Eeyore

Today I was reading one of the cutest Winnie the Pooh books I got at Target for a dollar. Inevitably, we got to the part of the story where we found Eeyore sad - shocker, I know! :o) Well, Liliana asked why he is always sad and I said I don't know honey, as I was unable to think of a good reason as I have always been perplexed about why they put a perpetually sad character in a cartoon too. He is cute though. Anyways, she then said "let's pray for him". Here is Liliana's prayer for Eeyore:

"Dear Jesus, please help Eeyore to not be sad and help him to not spit up and help him to feel better. AMEN"

Noah's First Phrase

Noah said his first 3 word phrase today!!! This is huge! :o) Here's what happened: He and Liliana were standing in front of the sink in their room brushing their teeth and I was holding his toothbrush saying "scrub, scrub, scrub" and he grabbed the toothbrush out of my hand and said "I do it". Liliana looked up at me and I said, "did you hear that" and she said "yeah" with a proud and amazed smile on her face. He is getting so big. His words are coming out more and more clear and with a greater sound of confidence in what he is saying.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My WHY Girl

I had the opportunity to go to the Women of Faith Conference this weekend. It was wonderful and very inspirational and refreshing! While I was there yesterday I had the the opportunity to talk to Liliana over the phone, which was so special because she sounded so different! Her tiny sweet little voice talking so big just filled my heart! Here is some of what she said to me over the phone:

"Mommy, why am I angry sometimes?" What a deep subject to bring up at such a random moment! As we were saying goodbye she said "mommy, don't stay out too late." I will read this back to her in about 14 years!

I have heard of those kids who ask WHY about EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE - well, I HAVE ONE OF THOSE KIDS! :o) Here are just a few examples of some of her "why" questions:

"Mommy, why do we have eyebrows?"

"Mommy, why do we have these (pointing to her knuckles)?"

"Mommy, why do we have hair on our arms and legs?"

"Mommy, why do we have lips?"

"Mommy, why do we have to go to the pool?" lol - WHY-NOT! :o)

Here is my favorite, she asked me this one today:

"Mommy, why do we have heads?" LOL!!!!!

Today as we were snuggling on the couch Liliana was making a reference to her "mother" (whoever that is - LOL!) and I said to her "I am you mother" and she said "No, you are Daddy's Grandpa!" LOL!!!!!

NO Words

I have no words for such cuteness - all I can do is crack up in adoration!
Noah put these on all by himself! He then took one off and worked so diligently and patiently to put it back on! WAY TOO CUTE!!!

I am so glad we had a girl then a boy... there is nothing more absolutely innocent and adorable than your baby boy trying on his sister's dress-up shoes!

Preach it Brother! :o)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Believer's Retreat

This past weekend we had the wonderful opportunity of going on the CCC New Believer's Retreat. It was in New Hampshire at a Christian Camp and Donnie was the keynote speaker. He spoke Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning. They also had workshops during the day Saturday and Communion on Sunday morning. There were about 35 people in attendance and they were all so hungry for God. Donnie and I have always felt a calling to the ministry as a couple and he has always been more than 100% supportive of utilizing the gifts God has placed on my life in ministry. They have asked Donnie and I to be the regular retreat speakers and for me to also share the speaking opportunities there with Donnie. I am so excited and we both are looking forward to next year! It was such a special and relaxing time in the Lord!
The group took a bus out to the retreat center, but we drove the van because we were under the impression that Noah was too young to ride on the bus. We let Liliana ride on the bus with her friend Will (age 4) and his parents, Jessica and Jamie. I drove the van so Donnie could study on the way.

Liliana's big thing over the weekend from was twisting her tongue... she did it and showed off the whole time! At every meal! ha! Speaking of meals, the food was FANTASTIC!

We got to stay at the coolest old house. There were so many beds and rooms to choose from, I felt like Goldie Locks.

Here is Will with the kids.

They had childcare for all of the services so the parents could really relax and be ministered to. :o) Noah went up and down these stairs 800 times! :o) He was so good to only play on the parts that he could do.

Here is Clay with the kids. He is a foster kid of one of the faithful attendees of our church.

The kids had a blast!!! This is how they looked on the way home. The are SO in the ministry! I love it! Thank you Jesus!!!!! :o)

Monday, June 8, 2009

7 Years of Bliss.....

Today Donnie and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary! We did not do anything fancy or expensive as we have had so much going on the past few weeks, vacation, retreat, etc. We watched Up, Disney's first 3D movie at the theater and went to Texas Roadhouse and went bowling - ugh! Ha! :o) Donnie planned our date.

The past 7 years seems more like a few fun days! Donnie is SO MUCH MORE than I could have EVER dreamt of in a husband!!!

3 more years till we reach the big 10! I want to have a ceremony, just for the excuse of wearing a beautiful fancy dress. Ha! :o)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Smoochin' Again

"I see feilds of green,
red roses too,
I see them bloom,
for me and you,
and I think to myself,
what a wonderful world,
yes I think to myself,
what a wonderful world"
Ever since Noah was about 7 months old, he has LOVED this singing duck that my Aunt Brenda sent to Liliana when she was about 9 months old. The duck sings the above song very loudly and it's mouth moves to the words. Super cute. Noah leaned over and gave the duck a kiss right on the lips. As I have said many times before, he is my LOVE-BUG! :o) My little romantic.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Donnie is part of a bowling league with some buddies from church. He loves to bowl and especially loves it when I join him. It is so sweet that he loves to have me bowl with him, but it is kind of torture for me sometimes because I am a TERRIBLE bowler. No matter how focused and well-formed I am or not, I am very random and it is frustrating. Ugh, anyways...
Liliana so far is taking after her daddy in her love for all things sports. She bowled a 103 with the ramp and gutter guards. I bowled and 80-something. She carried her own ball and everything!

I love that daddy is such a coach and is already instilling these sports quailities in Liliana! :o)
I felt bad for Noah having to sit in his stroller the whole time and then had him walk around and give bowling a whirl! :o)So SWEET!!! He looks so small in this setting. :o)