Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Believer's Retreat

This past weekend we had the wonderful opportunity of going on the CCC New Believer's Retreat. It was in New Hampshire at a Christian Camp and Donnie was the keynote speaker. He spoke Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning. They also had workshops during the day Saturday and Communion on Sunday morning. There were about 35 people in attendance and they were all so hungry for God. Donnie and I have always felt a calling to the ministry as a couple and he has always been more than 100% supportive of utilizing the gifts God has placed on my life in ministry. They have asked Donnie and I to be the regular retreat speakers and for me to also share the speaking opportunities there with Donnie. I am so excited and we both are looking forward to next year! It was such a special and relaxing time in the Lord!
The group took a bus out to the retreat center, but we drove the van because we were under the impression that Noah was too young to ride on the bus. We let Liliana ride on the bus with her friend Will (age 4) and his parents, Jessica and Jamie. I drove the van so Donnie could study on the way.

Liliana's big thing over the weekend from was twisting her tongue... she did it and showed off the whole time! At every meal! ha! Speaking of meals, the food was FANTASTIC!

We got to stay at the coolest old house. There were so many beds and rooms to choose from, I felt like Goldie Locks.

Here is Will with the kids.

They had childcare for all of the services so the parents could really relax and be ministered to. :o) Noah went up and down these stairs 800 times! :o) He was so good to only play on the parts that he could do.

Here is Clay with the kids. He is a foster kid of one of the faithful attendees of our church.

The kids had a blast!!! This is how they looked on the way home. The are SO in the ministry! I love it! Thank you Jesus!!!!! :o)


Stephanie said...

That is so cool that you guys are getting to do that retreat! Y'all are perfect for that.

Lisa said...

That last picture is great...its how you know it was a successful day.

Happy Anniversary!!