Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Post about Mommy

Mommy LOVES coffee - especially Starbucks iced caramel Macchiato!!! Just WRONG GOOD!!! Donnie just brought me one and it was a tall, which is WAY too small. :o)

Mommy watches American Idol - ha! (Daddy does too.)

We also watch 24 together and Celebrity Apprentice.

I have a hard time sitting and watching tv for more than 30 minutes... I would much rather be doing something - like blogging....

I love to blog, write, draw, paint, be creative in any way shape or form. I love art! I have a big weakness for children's art! I love it!

I took my first art lesson EVER the other day. My teacher was blown away and keep asking me if I had ever had lessons. Thank you Jesus for this amazing talent - from You!!! :o)


I love the beach most of all and am not to crazy about the mountains.

I love to swim.

I love the ocean and think that the coolest experience would be to swim in the Georgia Aquarium with the Whale-Shark.

I talk to my mom on the phone almost every single day and often more than once a day.

I love public speaking!

I love music.

I love the zoo.

That is all for now. :o)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Liliana's 3rd Birthday!

Our baby girl turned three today! Wow!!! We had a very special day together. We had a little birthday party in the afternoon which I had a blast decorating for! Emma Fanhestock and Alley Groves joined her for the big celebration. A few other friends wanted to be there, but were unable to make it. Diane Nott spent the morning and afternoon with us playing the role of "grandma". She was such a big help and blessing to us!
Of course I had my moments of reminiscing of the night she was born. One of the most amazing, special, and most treasured moments of my life which words cannot express!!!

She is and will FOREVER be my baby!!! Lord, please make the time slow down, please! :o(

This is Liliana's new favorite photo face. She has the sweetest personality. She is always so worried about everyone else and how they are feeling. She is the best big sister anyone could ever dream of. She is so sweet to Noah and he absolutely ADORES her. He just lights up when she enters a room! He really does! Like in the mornings or after naptime when I bring him downstairs and he sees her there sitting on the floor or whatever, he looks at her with the sweetest look of joy and pride on his face as if he is thinking "that is MY sister, she is my world!".

Noah had a blast with his cupcake! He put the napkin on his head. He is the cutest! Here I am taking the wrapper off for him.

All Liliana asked for was a giant stuffed animal and watercolors. Here is the doggy that daddy got her. She was so tired after the party she fell asleep on the couch! Here is how she started her nap:

Here is how it ended up. I think she rolled over onto the floor somehow and landed on top of her doggy. She was out!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We LOVE the Park!

When it is nice outside, you cannot keep us in!!! We love being outside and we love the park!

We gotta hit the swings at least once! I like to start and end there if we can.

Noah had the best "boy-time" digging his fingers into the gravel.

They kicked the soccer ball around and fought over it - of course!
Liliana made herself right at home by making the water fountain into her very own coat and hat hanger.

Morning Routine

The kids have a new thing they have added to their morning routine - eating animal crackers as they watch a family favorite on PBS - Sid the Science Kid. It comes on every weekday at 8:30 and even Donnie loves it. It is perfectly innocent, educational, fun, and includes no whining from the characters!
Why animal crackers? Noah is a cracker feen and it buys me some time to get the real breakfast going. :o)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

DQ Days

Okay... not quite yet Spring, but this was our second trip to DQ! Me, Liliana & Noah go through the drive through to get our cones, then we park and enjoy!!! Sweet times together!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Magical Mondays

Liliana has her mommy's "thinking" tongue :o)
I love the scarves! Fun! The girls giggled and squeeled when Ms. Jana passed them out.

Liliana put chose and put on this outfit herself. It is her Hallelujah night costume. I did change it so it was not on backwards, but other than that - this is her doing. She loves to dress up! :o)


Think she has enough "chackstick" on?!


Here is Noah wearing Liliana's sunglasses and pointing to his nose saying "nose". Way too cute!

Noah is adding new words to his vocab every day. He now points to your nose or his nose and says "nose". He will point to your eyes and say "eyes". When you go to the bathroom and stand in front of the sink, he says "teeth" because he sees his toothbrush there. He says "Noah" and "MalMo" (Elmo). So sweet!!!

"Babe Watch"

Bay Watch ain't got nuthin' on me! Ha! Well, except for the abs and the tans!

This is the cuteness I get to enjoy every other day or so during bathtime! It is a relaxing time for me as long and Noah is not trying to climb up the tub or out of the tub.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Dress-up Time

Liliana is all about dressing up and dressing herself these days. That is why she has been wearing different things to dance class. Here she is with some beads on, her shades and my hat. WAY TO CUTE!!!
Here she is drinking from Noah's sippy cup. She was thirsty! I couldn't get her to stop drinking for a picture!

See the milk dribble on her chin. :o)

Noah Napping

I had a meeting at church today so Diane Nott hung out with the kids for a couple of hours. Noah was having a little trouble giving in to naptime so she gave him the giant soft Elmo to snuggle. It worked!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Magical Mondays

She is listening intently to me bribe her to hold off on going to the bathroom if I give her some chocolate.

We missed a couple of sessions due to the bad cold we had, but we are back! Liliana was in "la-la-land" most of the time and was to focused on starring at herself in her purple dress in the big mirror.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Hand Expert

If you look closely at the flower, you will see that it only has one petal, or "hand" as Liliana puts it. She asked me why the flower only has one hand and I said "I don't know" and then she told me "don't worry, the reindeer will fix it because he is a hand expert".
Today she told me that her stuffed bears will fix Noah's crib so he won't jump out of it because they are "crib experts".


Our sweet, calm, romantic little love-bug has hit the temper-tantrum stage and in full-swing! You wouldn't believe it by the photo above of him feeding me his apple. He loves to feed me things. :o) I take the food - sometimes - depending on what it is... sometimes I just pretend to take it.
Well, speaking of these temper tantrums. Last night, he was NOT willing to go to bed - he was MAD!!! I personally think he is cute when he is mad... it cracks me up that he can get SO MAD and I don't let it bother me at all because I know he will get over it! Well, I put him in his crib and he was yelling and crying and stomping and I tried to get him to snuggle his blankie and he threw it across the bed, then went over, picked it up and threw it again, then threw it out of the crib. At that point I was like - "I'm outta here, you go ahead and be mad" and walked out. Well 2 minutes later I hear this loud thud and thought "uh-oh" and ran to his room to find him walking towards me - MAD! :o) He jumped out of his crib and he was so mad he did not care about his landing, he just popped up and walked towards the door. I then got him to calm down and tried laying him on Liliana's bed to sleep (she was in our bed due to his loud tantrum), but he did not have it, he stood at the gate crying, so down the stairs he went with daddy to join us for ice-cream and American Idol... hey, at 8 AI comes on and that is that. :o)
The rest of the night was loaded with more tantrums and a good 6 hours of him conked out on the bed with me...
He is SO attached to mommy - I know part of this is seperation anxiety... he follows me around everywhere so desperate for me to pick him up.

Mommie's Little Love-Bug

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life Stuff

I have had the worst cold ever! I have had it for almost two weeks... right now I can barely hear... which is very strange. I hear this steady soft far-away muffled buzzing sound in my left ear. It also STILL hurts when I swallow. Anyways...

We got like, who knows, 8 inches of snow yesterday... MAN! I am ready for spring!!! Just when everything melted and the park became visible - it got all white again!

Cold, or no cold - I AM LOVING EVERY MOMENT WITH MY BABIES!!! EVERY MOMENT! SIGH* I am also so overwhelmed by God's amazing, unchanging, unconditional LOVE!!! I love Him so!!!!! :o)