Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Project 365 Week 12

Sunday, March 18th
Noah's makeshift Batmobile... He and Robin are watching a cute little series of little kids dressed up as superheros doing homemade movies.  So cute!
 Fearless Sweetest Robin!  :)
 Safety First!

Monday, March 19th
Preparing for Liliana's Birthday tomorrow!  I made treats for her classmates.  Since she loves animals so much, I made treat bags with a poem I wrote to explain each: candy corn, cocoa puffs, bubble gum balls, gummy worms.
 A quick look at her Birthday party... more to come in a seperate post!

Wednesday, March 21st
She wanted the Spiderman costume tied to her and she had the mask on but was too fast for me to get a pic.
uhmmmm???  :)
 Thursday, March 22nd
At the park with friends.  I was thrilled with the 80+ degrees and put a sundress on our little lady!  so cute!!!

Friday, March 23rd
  A different park with different friends... this park has animals!  Elia was obsessed with pushing our friends loaded stroller!

 Elia loved the horses!
Later that day we had to run accross the street to see the baby turtle their daddy had rescued from his work parking lot!  TOO CUTE!!!  After lots of oos and awes and a few pictures, we put him in the pond behind their house.  :)

Saturday, March 24th
I remember when Liliana was 2 years old and how she loved to watch the "music" truck drive by... hehe... Well, she is now 6 and Noah is 4 and this is their FIRST ice cream from the Ice Cream truck!!! 
 SO Happy!!!  :)  Of course, Daddy gets full credit for the big spending!  LOL!  :)  He was home just in time and we all happened to be outside when he arrived... so cute!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Midnight Kisses

Elia has been waking up at the oddest hour acting like she is done sleeping for the night.  In my slumber, I refuse to surrender to such a schedule, so I bring her to our bed to snuggle.  Last night at about 4ish, I think...??...while she was tossing and turning in our bed, she took out her paci and gave me kiss after kiss after kiss, right on my lips!!!  Hehehe!  The cutest thing every, completely all on her own initation and effort... those big open mouthed kisses!  How sweet is that!?!?  Who has 30 random kisses in the middle of a sleepy night from the cutest little lady bear in the whole universe??...I Do!  :)  So honored to be her moma!!!


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Do it Anyway!


This song and lyrics mean SO much to me! One of my life songs. :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Project 365 Week 11

Sunday, March 11th
Moma helped the kids build their fort in the living room.
Liliana loves washing dishes... hope she reads this when she is 16 and feels the same!  haha!  :)  Elia with her ice cream face... we stopped at McDonalds for an ice cream cone after Liliana's POTK practice.

Monday, March 12th
Fun at the park with Daddy!  We play and walk the long trail and try all of the excersice stops along the way.

Tuesday, March 13th
Liliana will be in the kids scene of the Passion of the King this year!  FUN! 
Look at Elia pushing Liliana!


Wednesday, March 14th
Liliana witnessed THIS:
And then grabbed the toothpaste and repeatedly poked her tiny finger into the tube and smeared white toothpaste all on her chin and around her mouth...look closely and you will see it HERE:
She loves toothbrushes!!!  :)
 More sister bonding... Liliana took her socks off in the morning to put new ones on and Liliana grabbed them and asked Liliana to put them on her feet.  AWE!  Elia copies everything Liliana does.  So SWEET!  :)  Mommy and Noah played baseball in the backyard while Elia napped today.  Look at this HANDSOME little guy!  :)

Thursday, March 15th
Liliana had an appointment with the gastroenterologist this morning in downtown Hartford and this is a statue we saw in front of the gorgeous capitol building (I think)... well, the kids love these statues of the people who fought for our freedom centuries ago and she said she wants to write him a note of thanks for doing what he did and put it at the foot of this statue.  AWE!  haha!  :)

Friday, March 16th
Spent most of the day at CCMC ER with Liliana and Daddy... thought Liliana might have an appendicitis, but it was just a bad stomach bug with RLQ pain... Such a brave girl!!!  We made the most of our time there and played Candyland and play doh (they gave these to her for being so brave).  We left celebrating she was okay!!!  :)

Saturday, March 17th
Mommy cleaned the fish tank! :)
We baked the yummiest sugar cookies ever and had corned beef and veggies at our neighbors house!  FUN!  :)  Donnie was away at a mens retreat... it went awesome, but we still missed him!  :)  xoxo

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Liliana's 6th Birthday

After lots of thinking and researching to find the perfect ANIMAL venue for Liliana's Birthday party we decided on a Horse Stable!  The zoo's were not open for a couple more weeks, so this was just the PERFECT spot!!!  :)  Liliana wanted it to be only girls, 5 to be exact, so it was the sweetest intimate crowd with just a couple of siblings... making for plenty of riding time between the two horses and one pony we had to ourselves for one hour along with a worker for each one.. wow!!!  :)
 These next two shots are of Liliana and her sweet little classmate friend named Ashley!  They are so cute!

 Elia LOVES horseback riding!!!  She got upset when this part of the party ended!
 Noah loved it too!  He rode again and again and again!  :)
 From left to right back to front... Jordan (our neighbor), Rosie (our neighbor), Ashley (classmate), Lyanna (church) and Emma.  The sweetest little group of girls!!!  :) I made them all matching shirts as the party favor.  So fun!
 After they finished riding we went to the room for pizza and cupcakes!

 Singing!  :)  Mommy forgot the candles!  ...kinda like renting out Yankee Stadium and forgetting your bat!  haha!  :)
 Auntie Joy and The Grosvenor girls were also there!  Love them all so much!  :)

 The party was on her actual birthday day, a Tuesday, which was the icing on the cake for Liliana, she could not believe it!  :)  What an amazing birthday!  WE ALL LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH our big girl!!!  :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Out of the Mouth of Babes

I don't remember the full context of this but this morning I said to Liliana that I I love her more than anything and she said "yes, but not more than God because we love God the the most."

Thankful for the reminder that while it is so easy as a Mommy to put my kids first, it is really only a place God should have because when He is truly first, His sweet blessing is on the rest! :)

I am so blessed to have a daughter who is so thoughtful of God and His presence in our lives. She is always so concerned about others knowing God. The other day she brought a flyer for The Passion of the King in to her teacher and when she gave it to her she asked her if she knew God. ;) Mrs Then grew up Catholic so her answer to Liliana was "yes, I do". Awe!! Liliana has said so many times since then that she is SO glad Mrs. Then knows God.

I love you, Liliana, you are such a joy and I am so blessed to know you!! ;)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Project 365 Week 10

Sunday, March 4th - no picture

Monday, March 5th
Elia had a cold and was so cute blowing her nose.
Liliana doing her favorite thing, playing with stuffed animals.
Liliana put this fairy costume on Elia... it was hers when she was 2... Elia was so cute putting this hat on herself!
Batman in a basket!

Tuesday, March 6th
Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!  XOXO
Liliana at piano practice... we grabbed Sonic drinks on the way home.  Liliana has her coat on backwards and has her drink in the hood of it!!!  She is so crazy!!!  hehehe!!!

Wednesday, March 7th
Daddy's shoes

Mommy's shoes
Sweet legs!!!
Thursday, March 8th
GORGEOUS DAY for March... in the 60's... Daddy and Noah were out so Elia and I walked to school to walk Liliana home.
Friday, March 9th
Toilet paper trail...

A couple of Liliana's school drawings:

Cozy napper - on the couch!  He had a stomach bug all night last night, so he was wiped!  He slept on the couch for about 4 hours... he and Donnie were watching Batman together and next thing Donnie knew, Noah was sleeping in his lap!

 Elia busy while I cook dinner...
Saturday, March 10th
Noah plunged his toothbrush onto the cabinet to put toothpaste on it...