Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Project 365 Week 12

Sunday, March 18th
Noah's makeshift Batmobile... He and Robin are watching a cute little series of little kids dressed up as superheros doing homemade movies.  So cute!
 Fearless Sweetest Robin!  :)
 Safety First!

Monday, March 19th
Preparing for Liliana's Birthday tomorrow!  I made treats for her classmates.  Since she loves animals so much, I made treat bags with a poem I wrote to explain each: candy corn, cocoa puffs, bubble gum balls, gummy worms.
 A quick look at her Birthday party... more to come in a seperate post!

Wednesday, March 21st
She wanted the Spiderman costume tied to her and she had the mask on but was too fast for me to get a pic.
uhmmmm???  :)
 Thursday, March 22nd
At the park with friends.  I was thrilled with the 80+ degrees and put a sundress on our little lady!  so cute!!!

Friday, March 23rd
  A different park with different friends... this park has animals!  Elia was obsessed with pushing our friends loaded stroller!

 Elia loved the horses!
Later that day we had to run accross the street to see the baby turtle their daddy had rescued from his work parking lot!  TOO CUTE!!!  After lots of oos and awes and a few pictures, we put him in the pond behind their house.  :)

Saturday, March 24th
I remember when Liliana was 2 years old and how she loved to watch the "music" truck drive by... hehe... Well, she is now 6 and Noah is 4 and this is their FIRST ice cream from the Ice Cream truck!!! 
 SO Happy!!!  :)  Of course, Daddy gets full credit for the big spending!  LOL!  :)  He was home just in time and we all happened to be outside when he arrived... so cute!

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