Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Mommy, I can fix your heart"

Tonight I responded to something by saying "that broke my heart".  The thing that happened wasn't that big and I was calm in saying it but it still had a profound impact on Elia and she said, "Mommy, I can fix your heart" and I said "you can, how are you going to fix my heart?"  I knelt down beside her and she knelt down in front of me and touched my chest/belly in four different spots and scooted back and said "Look, I fixed your heart" and I looked down at my chest/belly and she said "see, I made a church" and I realized the four points she made were a cross and I said "oh, you made a cross, thank you."

Precious beyond words!  :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Elia's Sweet Little Somethings

Here are some super cute and unique things Elia is saying these days:

If she doesn't like something (food, a toy, a show) she says:  "I can't like it."

If she doesn't know the name of something or the answer to something she says "I can't know it."

She says "actually" a lot.  ie, Me: "Do you need to go potty" E: "nope, actually, yes"

"I love you TOO much."  I think she may have picked this one up from Noah, but he doesn't say it nearly as often.

She really likes dinosaurs and LOVES pirates.  She has been calling me "Captain Mody" and she will be "Captain Hook".  She is asking for a big pirate ship for Christmas.  :)

She usually does not pronounce the letter "s" at the beginning of words, making them into all new words:  Snow is no, sticker is gicker, stuck is guck (hey, Liliana used to say this one, awe!).

She is so so FUN!!!  We LOVE you chicky!!!  :)

"A, B, C, D.....O, M, G"......"wait!?"

I am a dork, yes, this is completely true.  hehe!  See, I just wrote "hehe" in my blog.  Well, lately for some crazy reason I have been saying "OMG" (for oh-my-goodness).  I think Liliana has said it some and I totally caught on to an extreme!  Donnie is now rebuking me and I have caught Liliana shaking her head in utter embarrassment.  LOL!  :)

Well, Elia has yet to sing the alphabet out loud and we asked her to do so at dinner tonight and here is how it went....

"A, B, C.....nod nod nod nod......O, M, G"

All I have to say is OMG!!!  LOL!