Thursday, June 24, 2010


As mentioned in my previous post, Noah rode home with Daddy from church last night...well, sweet toothed daddy and sweet toothed Noah stopped by Big Y on their way home to get Turkey Hill ice cream, buy one-get one free. I tell you...I am discovering more and more of how much these two guys are just alike!!! Cracks me up!!!

Well, Daddy also let Noah pick out a candy in the check-out line and he chose a bag of plain M&M's...or as Noah calls them..."Nem-Nem's".

Well, after our ice-cream and "Nem-Nem's", I went to brush Noah's teeth and he said to me "Wait, let me get the Nem-Nem's out" and he reached into his mouth back to his molars on either side and took out the pretend "nem-nem's"...hahhahahah!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Daddy's Boy - Big-time!!!

Noah cried for over an hour yesterday after daddy left the house for work! He cried saying over and over again "I wanna give daddy a hug"..."I wanna give daddy a hug in his blue car". Earlier that morning shortly before daddy left, Noah woke up crying for Daddy and I said "good morning, Noah, Daddy is at work"...Noah just wanted daddy...then we heard Daddy's voice downstairs...he was home...Noah said "I go talk to Daddy". haha! He did not even say good morning to me...he just wanted Daddy!

Tonight at church after service I found Noah with Daddy in the atrium and I offered him a cafe, freshly baked, chocolate chip cookie (our Wed pm routine) and he started to reach for one then turned around back to Daddy and stood there with Daddy so proud, without a care for the cookies in my hand! Wow!!! He chose Daddy over a chocolate chip cookie! On the way home, I was having big-girl talk with Liliana as it was just me and her (Noah stayed to hang out and ride home with Daddy) and I talked to Liliana about how wild it was that Noah chose daddy over a chocolate chip cookie and she so sincerely said "Daddy is way cooler than a chocolate chip cookie, but cookies are way cool too". Too sweet!


Okay... I have posted about the orange cat who comes to visit every 5 days or of two days ago, Monday... the visits are DAILY...and several times a day....BECAUSE OF THE ITEM PICTURED BELOW PURCHASED BY A CERTAIN LILIANA AND HER DADDY.....IT WAS HIS IDEA!!!!!! Yes!!! Daddy is evidently a BIG softy for cats!!! I love it because it brings out a whole different side of him...the organized detail, everything in it's place-guy...FEEDING THE BACKYARD CAT!!! LOL! Daddy brought Liliana to BJ's with him to get new tires and to Big Y with him to buy cat food and she was dressed like this.... Donnie said he got lots of smiles from people! haha!
The first feeding... brought to you buy Daddy & Daughter
Dinner is served!

Last night at bed time and on the way home from church today Liliana asked me to pray for her to turn into a cat! She really wants to be a cat because they "meow" so softly, she said! AWE!!! She LOVES animals SO much! Her praying to turn into a cat is such an indicator to me of her GIANT imagination!!! Makes me think of Alice in Wonderland! I told her I would miss my girl if she became a cat and she said "I have been your girl for a looong time..." She also said that when she is a cat, she wants me to bring her to Auntie Joy's house so Emma can play with her! haha!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday's with Daddy!

We had the best time today out in our backyard!!!

Noah helping Daddy wash the house...

We were outside for almost 5 hours! Noah missed his nap and conked out on the couch at 5...while Daddy and Liliana went out to get catfood...hahah!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Throwing Rocks

We love our back yard!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Believer's Retreat

The New Believer's/Next Step Ministries at CCC has appointed Donnie and I as their annual retreat speakers. It is located in Alton, New Hampshire. We leave on a Friday in June at noon and return two days later after lunch on that Sunday. This year was our second year!
The house we stayed at this time had lots of stuffed bunnies and a sweet grandma's cottage...Liliana LOVED it!!! She carried the ceramic cat pictured below from the 1st floor to the bedroom upstairs. Cracked me up!

She gathered chairs and animals to decorate the room we chose to sleep in.
Daddy read them bedtime stories each night. Mouse Soup.

Noah was WAY out of his element and was not very friendly. I am kind of the same way, but I don't yell at people saying "hi" to me like he did! hahaha! He was quite a mess! The guy LOVES his own home and his routine!

Shane, Mia, Liliana (with her new flashlight one of the ladies gave her the night before at the bonfire) & Noah. Yeahhhhhh!!!!
Okay... see the red and white ribbon...well, that is a bow that was tied around a stuffed bears neck...IT IS NOAH'S IPOD and has been since we got to the retreat home! See him holding it to his ear and see it draped around his neck in the photo above...yes...his iPod!!!
Every now and then it will be his guitar too. This guy has THE BIGGEST IMAGINATION I have EVER seen!!! He can make ANYTHING into ANYTHING!
He was SO tired from lack of sleep from being out of his comfort zone on the trip that he konked out on the way home as soon as we drove off and slept for 2 hours! I LOVE THIS GUY!!!

Backyard Adventures!

Yes, we bought a HOUSE!!!! A house with a giant backyard!!!
Liliana fell in love with this back yard visitor...her new "bestfriend".

From Snail Speed to High Speed

So, all this time I thought we had decent internet...LOL!!! NOPE!!! I just upgraded about an hour ago and am having a blast catching up on my blog! :o)

Out for a Walk

Liliana picked me some wildflowers. To her they are the most beautiful flowers in the whole wide world and she HAS to pick some for me...and for that reason, they are the most beautiful flowers in the whole wide world!
They LOVE throwing rocks in water... especially Noah, he shouted and squeled and giggled so cute!!
Tori! We have Tori with us at least one day a week... what a great help and friend she is to all of us! We<3TG!

Goin' to the Chapel

Our princess had the BEST time dancing on the big sage at MMH. She was a tiny bit nervous at first until she saw me right down in front of her taking pictures... she then smiled really big as if to say to herself "ahh, all is okay...mommy is right there."

All of the kids danced so well, I was very impressed! Months and months of practice every Tuesday morning paid off!

ShuFFle Step...
Heal Step, Heal Step...
We were so blessed to have our friend Amy there to spend the evening with us. She helped with Noah during Liliana's number so I could go up front and take pictures while Donnie recored it! Noah was saying here that he wanted to go up there and dance...AWE!!!

Skipping off stage...
Daddy and his baby girl!
In front of the Grosvenor's house... sounds like a

We headed out to Texas Roadhouse for a special dinner afterwards then off to the New Believer's Retreat the next morning.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Brian's Workshop

BETTER THAN BARNEY LIVE! The kids were fascinated by Mr. Werhle's work & he was so sweet and gracious to the kids, letting them help him drill, having them hand him the wood slats and having them tote his tools...not TO his truck, but all the way up onto the truck to put them exactly where they belong! He also gave them some scrap peices to keep.

I told Katie that he needs to do kid's birthday parties! haha! :o)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bye-bye Indoor Heated Pool

Liliana is a Garden-Fairy... she picks flowers then puts them in another spot in the ground. LOL!