Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Believer's Retreat

The New Believer's/Next Step Ministries at CCC has appointed Donnie and I as their annual retreat speakers. It is located in Alton, New Hampshire. We leave on a Friday in June at noon and return two days later after lunch on that Sunday. This year was our second year!
The house we stayed at this time had lots of stuffed bunnies and bears...like a sweet grandma's cottage...Liliana LOVED it!!! She carried the ceramic cat pictured below from the 1st floor to the bedroom upstairs. Cracked me up!

She gathered chairs and animals to decorate the room we chose to sleep in.
Daddy read them bedtime stories each night. Mouse Soup.

Noah was WAY out of his element and was not very friendly. I am kind of the same way, but I don't yell at people saying "hi" to me like he did! hahaha! He was quite a mess! The guy LOVES his own home and his routine!

Shane, Mia, Liliana (with her new flashlight one of the ladies gave her the night before at the bonfire) & Noah. Yeahhhhhh!!!!
Okay... see the red and white ribbon...well, that is a bow that was tied around a stuffed bears neck...IT IS NOAH'S IPOD and has been since we got to the retreat home! See him holding it to his ear and see it draped around his neck in the photo above...yes...his iPod!!!
Every now and then it will be his guitar too. This guy has THE BIGGEST IMAGINATION I have EVER seen!!! He can make ANYTHING into ANYTHING!
He was SO tired from lack of sleep from being out of his comfort zone on the trip that he konked out on the way home as soon as we drove off and slept for 2 hours! I LOVE THIS GUY!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

The ipod is too much...hilarious!