Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Rushin' Artist

See previous post for the inspiration to this painting. I took the photo along the shore of the Cape earlier this week with intentions of doing a painting...I spent less than 5 minutes looking at the photo and did not look at it while painting it. This one is a 5x7.
I regret that you cannot see the purples and pinks very well in the one below. I did this one last color lead to another and I just had fun with it. This one is a 14X16.
I am calling myself "The Rushin' Artist" because I don't follow or really know any rules and I do my paintings on the spot as I feel the urge to do them. I don't look at anything while I paint...I just have fun!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

SNED Minsiter's Retreat

Donnie and I took our first trip away without the kids! Ahhh! Last summer we hosted a church trip to the Amish land in PA and brought Noah and left Liliana at the Snyder's, but this was the first time JUST US! WOW! I missed the kids like crazy the entire time, but I did good and had a wonderful time. God blessed us with many "divine" moments of meeting new people, speaking to our hearts for ministry, etc. It was very good!
I may have missed the kids a little less if the weather was was rainy most of the time there and windy and chilly, plus most of the shops were already closed for the season so we really didn't get the "true" Cape experience...
The kids did great while we were away and had a wonderful time with Lloyd and Diane Nott, who took excellent care of them...they even took them to the pool here! I have pictures on my phone (will add them soon)!

Today, our friend, Lisa Cour blessed us big time with a photoshoot at our favorite park! Here we are in the car waiting for her to arrive...I love taking pictures of!
Noah found a good way to occupy the time! He is such a mess!!! lol!
And, as you can see here, he is the leader in most mischeif!
We had the best time being Lisa's "subjects"!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2 New Molars

Noah has been having a hard time getting to sleep at nights for the past few nights, which is unusual for him. He has been asking to come downstairs and snuggle "ge-out, nuggle, couch, pond" I would bring him down and snuggle on the couch for 10-15 minutes then bring him back to bed... Tonight he was especially fussy during the evening and at bed time...then it dawned on me..."check his mouth" (it had been so long since his last teeth) I took a peak in there to find that he has two new molars popping up through the gums, one on each of the bottoms sides. Awe, no wonder he has had a hard time...bring on the ibuprofen! :o) He has just two more molars, the same ones for the top to go and he will have all of his baby teeth! Awe!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall Fun!

"Where did Noah go?"...I found him in his the stuffed animal bin, cozy & quiet...
Noah's new favorite thing to do in the rooms at church is sit in the sink...hahaha! He must think it is like a highchair or something...too cute!!!

Home from church...

Driving home from church on Sundays is hard sometimes on beautiful days like today because I feel like we are going to miss out on the nice weather because we get home at about 2 pm, then eat and all lay down for a much needed nap (one Noah would not do well without and one I enjoy)...well, today, we went inside, ate our Wendy's and stepped outside for some fun in the beautiful leaves that had just made their journey to the ground below...
Noah sweepin' the leaves...
Zoning out a little...naptime!

Pure joy! The perfect Fall photo! There is a rainbow of leaves abover her head...
Looks like a golden waterfall...

Out of The Mouth of My Babe...

I am sitting here on the computer and looked behind me to see this: Liliana is reading her little Bible to the baby dolls. "God loves you and you love Him...God is in your heart and He is everywhere...etc...." Noah is sitting there with his little NT too! Awe!!! She told me she needed to preach. hehe!

A few minutes later Liliana walks over and says "Look at this sweet girl" is a picture of me as a baby! AWE!!!!!

So glad I had my camera up here...was downloading picuters.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Music & Dance

Noah, Manny & Liliana playing on Casey's piano...
Right on those tippy-toes!
Hoola time is so cool...
Noah has a new toy...the slinky dog from Toy Story...well, yesterday he decided that it would make the perfect drum or symbol...he used two colored pencils as his drumsticks...too cute! He was really into it! So creative! Awe!!! My camera battery was like dead, so this was the best shot I could get...then had to charge my battery.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My First Jack-O-Lantern...I think...

Tonight, we picked up Roxie and went to BJ's and bought a pumpkin and got to work! It was so fun and so messy! We carved it, roasted the seeds and I made a pumpkin pie...out of the canned pumpkin...this was spur of the moment, so I did not have a "from-scratch" recipe...ha! Delicious nonetheless!
Too cute! The kids both LOVE Roxie! Awe! Noah calls her Oxie...
We had Liliana & Noah draw on the pumpkin before we carved it. She drew spiders all over it. Her spiders are so cute! Why she chose to draw spiders, I don't know! Cute!
I was having so much fun carving the face on the pumpkin that I was oblivious to the fun the kids were having on the floor...ahh...ha! There was pumpkin on the cabinets and floor. Too fun! :o)
I DO NOT in any way acknowledge Halloween...I just enjoyed the art of pumpkin carving! I carved a sweet HAPPY face...Hallelujah!!!
I don't remember making jack-o-lanterns growing up...I am sure we did...but it was not a big deal for us or something, because it is not something that sticks out in my mind.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sleep Part 2

While you can try all of the formulas in the book on any parenting topic there is only one sure Book that works without fail...GOD'S WORD & prayer! :o)

Luke 8:22-25 Jesus Sleeps in the Boat through the storm...Jesus was completely relaxed and at peace, even when the world around him was in turmoil.

Psalm 4:8 “I will lay down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

Psalm 127:2b “…He grants sleep to those He loves.”

In addition to scripture and prayer, I plan to read to Liliana before naptime for about 1/2 hour...just like we do at bed time! Hopefully this will calm her mind and body down to relax to take naps...ha! We will see... :o)

While on the sleep topic, I should note how way cute and hilarious it is to watch Noah tucking himself in at night. As many times as we tuck him in, he stands right up and rearranges everything and lays down and works so hard to get each animal just so-so and his blanket on him just right. It is too cute and cracks me up!!! It takes him forever! :o)

I talk about bedtime routines all the time, because I love them, but here is it is again:
goofy time
Story time - Bible story(s), devos and Through and Through
Dim the lights
songs as we tuck them in, etc... (Jesus Loves Me, Oh How I Love Jesus, etc.)
Sneak out of the room

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Liliana's Sleep Habits...

When Liliana was born, she came out of the womb crying loudly...and screamed and cried almost not stop for the first 7 months of her life....She nursed every hour and a half and spent the first 7 weeks sleeping draped ON ME belly to belly...she absolutely WOULD NOT sleep anywhere else...not even right beside me...

She has always been a light sleeper...yes...we did everything you "should do" to "prevent" a baby from being a light sleeper...we blasted the tv...talked, played music, vacuumed, etc...nothing worked...She is Liliana...inspite of us...AND GOOD FOR HER...all of these formulas on how to "make" a baby a perfect sleeper, eater, etc is so silly...if a person has a sweet tooth, they have a sweet tooth, if they don't, they don't...the rest is discipline...learned over time...discipline...and for a baby it is patience, love, understanding and work!

Without going into every detail of Liliana's back and forth nap habits over the last 3 1/2 years...I want to skip to now and say that Dr. Sears is RIGHT ON...his book The High Needs Baby was so helpful when she was a baby and even tonight I am comforted by his article The Fussy Baby. Information is power and I feel so comforted and empowered as a mommy by this article tonight...I Love my Liliana girl and am SO HONORED to have such a unique child. She is so smart, sweet, intuitive, sensitive...I love learning how to better understand her and help her along life's journey. The following article describes her regarding sleep almost to the T!


"Why do high need children need more of everything but sleep?" a tired mother once asked me. Until we had a high need infant, I would have guessed that these babies would be worn out by the end of the day and would actually need more sleep; certainly, their parents do. A tired father once told me, "When it comes to sleep, I'm a high need parent." Here's why high need babies sleep differently.

The same tense temperament that causes daytime neediness results in nighttime restlessness. These babies come wired differently, day and night. Their supersensitive nature during the day carries over into their sleep habits during naps and nights. Their keen awareness and curiosity about their environment carries over into being awake and aware at night. It seems these babies have some internal bright light that stays on all day and isn't easily turned off at night.

Ever wonder why some infants can fall asleep and stay asleep amid the noise of a party, while others awaken when you tiptoe quietly past their bed? This is because babies have different stimulus barriers, which is the ability to block out disturbing sensory stimuli. Some babies have an amazing ability to block out sensory overload, as if they conclude, "I can't handle all this commotion, I'm tuning out." They fall asleep. High need babies can't rely on sleep to retreat from sensory overload. Instead, they overreact.

Not only does an immature stimulus barrier keep babies from going to sleep, it interferes with their staying asleep. Infants with a more mature stimulus barrier may sleep through a slight discomfort, such as being too cold, too hot, slightly hungry, or even lonely. These nighttime discomforts awaken high need babies.

She has always been an extremely light sleeper. I have to unplug the phone, not flush the toilet, not wash dishes, not creak any floors or furniture, sneeze, or cough. Sometimes I feel like I even have to stop breathing as she falls asleep. I can't shift the way I'm holding her or even sit down or stop walking until she is deeply asleep.

High need babies don't transition easily. They don't willingly switch gears. Going from arms to car seat to arms to shopping cart is hard for them. Going from the state of being awake to sleep is a major behavioral transition, one these infants can't make without a lot of help. While you can put some infants down in their crib and they fall asleep, high need babies have to be deeply asleep before you can put them down. Even with older high need children, their minds race so quickly at bedtime (the time you assign for them), that they cannot wind down without parental help.

Young infants spend much of their sleeping time in a light sleep state called REM sleep from which they are easily awakened. During the night infants normally alternate light sleep with deep sleep stages, switching from light sleep to deep sleep and back to light sleep as often as every hour. When making the transition between deep and light sleep infants go through a vulnerable period in which they are easily awakened. As infants mature, the deep sleep stages lengthen, so that by four to six months they sleep for longer stretches. High need babies seem to take longer to develop sleep maturity. They are more prone to awaken during the vulnerable periods of transition from one sleep stage to another. Yet high need infants often seem to be totally "zonked" when they are in the stage of deep sleep. Eventually, these infants are able to spend more time in deep sleep, yet they do not "sleep through the night" as early as less sensitive babies.

I soon realized that my baby's sleep problem was really society's problem, the fault of its expectations that babies will sleep through the night. My problem was that she wasn't sleeping as expected by me or by the cultural norms.

Don't hurry. Trying to hurry your baby off to sleep is doomed to fail because babies go to sleep differently than adults. In the early months, in order to reach a state of deep sleep, babies need to go through a 20 to 30 minute stage of lighter sleep. If you try to put babies down and sneak away during this light sleep stage, many will wake up. You need to continue your ritual until you are certain baby is in a deep sleep. Here's how to tell: Watch baby's face and limbs. If baby's mouth is still grimacing or showing "sleep grins," his eyelids are fluttering, and his arms are flexed with hands in fists, baby is still in the state of light sleep. Once baby's face is expressionless, eyes and mouth are still, limbs dangle and hands are wide open (we call this the limp-limb sign), chances are baby has entered deep sleep, and you can put baby down on his back and quietly creep away. This is just one of the many facets of baby-care that teaches parents patience.

Craving constant physical contact and not being able to self-soothe are characteristics of high need babies during the daytime. They are also nighttime features. High need babies demand whatever day and night parenting style gives them a sense of well-being, and that usually means sleeping in physical contact with someone, preferably mother. They won't surrender to any arrangement that takes them out of their mother's arms, not even a much-needed nap. It seems that they need a womb-like environment at night as well as during the day. But just to be inconsistent, as high need babies get older, the nighttime closeness itself can stimulate them into waking easily while close to mother. High need babies also have a high degree of separation anxiety, which can contribute to problems with going to sleep.
He wouldn't even settle sleeping next to me. He had to sleep on me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"More Some"

If Noah wants more of anything, instead of asking for "some more", he says "more some"...he says this a lot! Too cute!

Here is Noah this past Saturday evening in the nursery crib at church. He fell asleep in the car on the way to church, a very unusual thing for him to do. He layed in there cozy for about 10 munites...he looked so big, yet so sweet and cozy! On Sunday morning, he was tired too, so he layed in there again for a while, just chillin'.

About five or six months ago, out of nowhere Liliana asked me to scratch her pits cuz they were bouncy...LOL!!! She will say, "my pits are bouncy, will you scratch them?" She doesn't say this nearly as often now but, still, too funny! I think it is kind of a sticky sweaty feeling..."bouncy"...yeah, of course! lol!

Liliana and her sweet dear friend, Emma set up this "picture" the other day...
Okay, last week I totally ran out of diapers...thought I had just enough to push the trip to Target on to the following morning...well, I did have just enough, until, as I put this diaper on Noah for the ripped...I had never done that before...I called Donnie to bring me the tape and "voila!" It held us over till the next morning when Donnie ran out early to get some more...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Festival...

Fresh, crisp, cool fall cider...sugar on Noah's finger from the most delicious hot fresh donuts ever...

Pumpkin Patch...

Unlike Noah who tried to lift one giant pumpkin and realized it was too heavy and not worth the effort, Liliana tried to lift just about every pumpin in the patch!
She worked so hard to find the right pumpkin...
Many of them were still green...lots of rain this summer...
She finally ended up with the perfect tiny little green pumpkin...I don't have a photo of it...have it in the kitchen on the window sill...will take a pic tomorrow...
Here she is taking her first bite of the hand picked apples...
The kids were jammin out to the live music...too cute! Liliana kept asking me if the guys playing were real...she thought they may be like the display at Yankee Candle...LOL...too sweet and innocent!!! Love it! She was tickled when the piano player would smile at her as she stood there waving at him while he played...awe! Noah danced all over the place!

My exact words while taking these next two photos:
"Where'd Noah go?!"
"There he is!!"
Under an apple tree...
Friends...Noah and Manny...

The cutest!!!