Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"More Some"

If Noah wants more of anything, instead of asking for "some more", he says "more some"...he says this a lot! Too cute!

Here is Noah this past Saturday evening in the nursery crib at church. He fell asleep in the car on the way to church, a very unusual thing for him to do. He layed in there cozy for about 10 munites...he looked so big, yet so sweet and cozy! On Sunday morning, he was tired too, so he layed in there again for a while, just chillin'.

About five or six months ago, out of nowhere Liliana asked me to scratch her pits cuz they were bouncy...LOL!!! She will say, "my pits are bouncy, will you scratch them?" She doesn't say this nearly as often now but, still, too funny! I think it is kind of a sticky sweaty feeling..."bouncy"...yeah, of course! lol!

Liliana and her sweet dear friend, Emma set up this "picture" the other day...
Okay, last week I totally ran out of diapers...thought I had just enough to push the trip to Target on to the following morning...well, I did have just enough, until, as I put this diaper on Noah for the ripped...I had never done that before...I called Donnie to bring me the tape and "voila!" It held us over till the next morning when Donnie ran out early to get some more...

1 comment:

Bethany G. said...

Nice patchwork! I've had to use a maxi pad in underwear for Al when I ran out of pull-ups once. Allie thought it was so great she asked for it again the next night! lol Gotta love those "oops" moments!