Monday, October 5, 2009

More Fun on Daddy's Day Off

Liliana had Daddy help her look everywhere for her little tiny princess (who is now missing her hair) and they could not find her anywhere! Liliana then came to me for help and I said for the 5th time or so, "Donnie, are you sure it is not in your shorts, I remember you putting it in there last night at bed time"...he then reached deep into his right pocket to find her there and realized that he slept the whole night with a tiny princess in his pocket!!! Daddy "initiations" never ever end...first they are peed on, then they are sleeping with dolls in their pockets unaware! Here is the doll... Noah spent about 1/2 hour in my super-colorful shoes today!

These two are playing together more and more beautifully every day! They have always been very sweet and loving towards each other and Liliana has never really showed a continually pattern of jealousy towards Noah or anything of the sort...but they have been "fighting" over toys a lot and learning the concept of sharing...

These two photos show just how well they are learning how to "take turns" and share... they took turns pushing each other throught the house and both Noah and Liliana would say "My turn" and they would switch accordingly. This is HUGE! I am so delighted in my children, they are soooo good and soooo sweet!!!

They were just laughing... Fun Times!

1 comment:

Bethany G. said...

That is too funny! How could he not feel it though! Ouch!

Noah in those sparkly shoes is too much! Blissfully unaware how that will come back to haunt him one day!