Monday, November 29, 2010

Elia at 11 Weeks!

When I had my 16 week ultrasound Elia did the CUTEST thing and I will never forget it... all of a sudden she opened her mouth as big as she could like a little/big circle and tried to shove her hand into it. The technician and I laughed and thought it was the cutest thing! It was a true indication of her super-sweet "get-er-done" personality! When she was born she had blisters on the top/side part of her hand/wrist where she had been sucking on it so hard in the womb. She still shows the same personality and self-soothing impulses. From her first days in the hospital and even now she hold her paci in her mouth with her hand and shoves her thumb or fingers in her mouth! Here she is sucking her thumb! While I know it may be an ordeal to get her to stop one day, I love it for now and think it is SO SWEET!

This is what Elia did the moment I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures! She was hamming it up for the camera... at 11 weeks!!!

Tonight she laughed for the first time in response to my tickling her cheeks and belly! It was too sweet! She didn't make a lot of noise when she laughed... she is discovering what laughter is! I am having SO MUCH FUN and am SO THANKFUL for our baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot imagine life without her!!!!

Noah's Third Birthday/Thanksgiving Day

Noah's birthday fell on Thanksgiving Day this year! He turned the big 3!

We had a fun filled day planned with the Grosvenor's that day, but since I woke up with a bad stomach bug, I sent the kids and Daddy over there for turkey dinner and a few bounces on the trampoline while I tried to sleep.

We presented Noah his toy piano in the morning and boy was he pleased with his gift!

Happy Birthday, NOAH!!!

Since his Birthday fell on Thanksgiving Day, something that won't happen again till he turns 14, we decided to have his little party today. We had his two little buddies, Jeremiah and Manny join him for some fun at Timbergyms.
We had some of his favorite things: Peanut Butter and Fluff sandwiches, curly cheese puffs (yuck), juice pouches, and chocolate cupcakes with M&M's.
They had a great time! We LOVE you our BIG BOY!!!
I tried to take more pictures of they boys, but they turned out very blurry... I think they we running too fast... ha!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fun with a Hat!

I found this hat in one of my craft bins today... I knitted it about 4 years ago! Liliana was wearing it and I tried it on Elia too...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Fun-Filled Day Indoors

Elia is telling her big sister a story... "ooh"
"I think I am ready for my morning nap."

Liliana traced her own hands and made them into turkeys and then painted them under a rainbow! Beautiful!
The kids LOVE to paint!
I am beginning to see a resemblence here! Wow!

Saturday, November 20, 2010 all days...full of LOVE and fun!

Her big sister is making her smile!

Holding and eating her bunny... hehe!
I helped Liliana and Noah make crowns today... Daddy is wearing Noah's... we are watching a movie or something and they are simultaneously eating handfuls of popcorn. Ha!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

First Big Playdate on the Floor!

Our big girl started sitting on the couch to hang out with the gang a few weeks ago, but today we officially made her first playdate on the floor with big brother & sister. So she now has added a couple new chillin' spots to bring variety to her busy days!

Later in the day after Noah had placed his Thomas blanket on Elia (he LOVES to share stuff with her), he came to me with piece of paper asking me to make a hat for Elia. What a special sweet brother! She has a special love in her eyes for him already!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The SWEET Scoop - 2 Months

Elia had her 2 month well-visit with her doctor on Monday and she weighed in at 13 pounds 3 ounces and 22 1/2inches long! She grew one inch in one month! She is in the 95th percentile in weight, 50th in height. The doctor commented on how strong and sturdy she is and on how great her head control is for her age. :o) All three of the kids were this way... big, strong, and sturdy. AWE!!!

Here she was smiling at Liliana.

I love those baby boxer moves... she loves doing the jaw-jabber...or whatever it is called... lol!

Here she is watching Liliana sing to her!

Look at those blue eyes! They are a BEAUTIFUL clear water blue. I think she has my eye shape, my lips (totally) and chin and Donnie's nose ears and hairline.

This one makes me tear up it is SO SWEET!!! She is smiling and "goo-ing" at Liliana's made up songs! Pure Love!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Grandma Sends us some FUN!

Grandma has a special gift for picking out THE COOLEST toys for the kids!
This mixer was on for about 3 hours straight after it left it's box.

I helped them concoct a disgusting pancake from scratch...
...and they ate every bit of it!!! They were SO proud of cooking all by themselves with their new mixer!

Thank you, Grandma, for the awesome new pj's! We LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND MISS YOU BIG TIME!!! XOXOXOX