Thursday, November 11, 2010

Our SWEET 8 Week Old Elia

This Tuesday Elia turned 8 weeks old! Wow! She seems like such a big girl now! For about the past 3 weeks she has been standing a lot, she loves to sit upright in your lap and look around and loves to have big long conversations full of "oohs, ohs, awes, goos, goes," and many other cute sounds! She is a great sleeper, a great napper and just the sweetest most content baby girl in the whole wide world!
One day last week as she and I were snuggling on the couch as everyone else napped one hour led to the next of us just starring and talking to each other. It was such a sweet time because our love for each other seemed equal in that she was starring at me with the same amazement I had for her. AWE! That day she was in a "want to be held" mode and before I knew it she had pretty much been in my arms for 5 or 6 hours straight!
She is also a BIG TIME social bug! She loves going to church and looking at all the people and sucking up all the "oohs and awes" everyone gives her! My friend Tami Grosvenor held her behind the cafe counter and enjoyed lots of smiles and a big story from our girl! Too cute!
Liliana and Noah have such a deep love for Elia and often times fight over her attention.