Monday, November 29, 2010

Noah's Third Birthday/Thanksgiving Day

Noah's birthday fell on Thanksgiving Day this year! He turned the big 3!

We had a fun filled day planned with the Grosvenor's that day, but since I woke up with a bad stomach bug, I sent the kids and Daddy over there for turkey dinner and a few bounces on the trampoline while I tried to sleep.

We presented Noah his toy piano in the morning and boy was he pleased with his gift!

Happy Birthday, NOAH!!!

Since his Birthday fell on Thanksgiving Day, something that won't happen again till he turns 14, we decided to have his little party today. We had his two little buddies, Jeremiah and Manny join him for some fun at Timbergyms.
We had some of his favorite things: Peanut Butter and Fluff sandwiches, curly cheese puffs (yuck), juice pouches, and chocolate cupcakes with M&M's.
They had a great time! We LOVE you our BIG BOY!!!
I tried to take more pictures of they boys, but they turned out very blurry... I think they we running too fast... ha!

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