Thursday, May 31, 2012

3 Silly Monkeys Jumping on Their Beds

I don't know what has gotten into these silly little happy bears tonight!!! :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

As I Lay Me Down to Sleep...

Today was such a sweet day! We needed diapers in a big way, so I scooped up the kids and we headed out to Big Y before Noah and Liliana had even had breakfast... Was fun to venture out in the morning sunshine and shop with a whole different crowd of people than you would see in the afternoons... We each got a sprinkle donut! Sweet!
Donnie installed the air conditioners, good thing, we were getting stinky and grumpy! hehe!
I did some spring cleaning.
Noah helped me bake brownie bites. He loves to help me cook!
Elia wanted me to hold her most of the day.
Donnie enjoyed his first night of the summer bowling league. Liliana went with him and read books.
I talked to my Grandma for 59 minutes and 7 seconds! :)) tomorrow she turns 72! She is something else! A spunky red head, a real straight shooter, comedian and mother of 8. I admire her and cherish our talks even though they are few.
Off to sleep with a full heart!

Project 365 Week 21

Sunday, May 20th
Going to the 11:15 a.m. service is a far stretch between breakfast and lunch, so we had tortillas for a quick snack before we went... here is Noah in the van on the way.  So cute!

Liliana read Noah's favorite story to him at bed time... Pants with Nobody Inside them... 
 Monday, May 21st - no pic

Tuesday, May 22nd
Elia was under the weather... turned out to be Hand Foot and Mouth "disease"... a first for the Capps... Thankful that no-one else got it. 
Noah all dressed up for Kindergarten Orientation!  He was excellent and LOVED IT!!!  He came home and worked on his letters for about an hour afterwards and the next day too!
 Wednesday, May 23rd - no pic

Thursday, May 24th
Friday, May 25th 
Liliana had her Pet Shops out and Elia LOVED THEM... SO CUTE!!!

 Saturday, May 26th
In the morning we did this BEE craft!  FUN!  The top is Liliana's, Noah's, then Elia's is on the bottom.  I made hers... my excuse for getting my crafting fix!  Also, look outside the window at the swimsuits on the little clothes line... drying from after what they did in the photo below....
Fun in the Sun!!!  :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fun in the Sun!!!

We are SO delighted to have some good ole HOT weather!  It was near 90 and HUMID... so, the pool was they way to spend the day!

 Elia has a thing about putting stuff up to her ears and she did this with the soaked football again and again and again!  We think it is because of the stuff she has been through with her ears... and the doctors always looking in them, etc... awe!
Takin' care of those ears...

I asked Liliana to smile for me and she posed like this with all her might and said this is her favorite smile!  AWE!  LOVE it!!!
Elia attempted to blow bubbles... she would put it right on her mouth and the first time she did it the bubble solution soaked her lips so good that she blew a bubble from her mouth!  ha!
 About 2 hours in, Liliana brought the slide over and the party really got started!!!  UP, Down, SPLASH............ again and again!  Elia did not stop for a good round of 30!  She loved it, she was so focused!
So BLESSED!!!  :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

DonJen Jackie-Carol JenniDon

When I was a teenager, I saw this dog in Wal-Mart one time while shopping with my mom and convinced her to buy it for me because I just adored it!  I have had him for about 16 years now!  WOW!  I don't have a lot of stuff from my childhood, but the few things I have I cherish!

Well, about 11 years ago, before Donnie and I were married, we went on a missions trip with our college and I brought DonJen with me... we traveled all over the country, Wisconsin, Ohio, Iowa, Michigan, Minnisota in a 16 passenger van and Donnie and I took turns on one of the legs of the trip using this Doggie as a pillow and in the long hours of travel as a means to pass time and bond over liking each other, we named him the blend of our first and middle names Donnie Jack and Jennifer Carol, DonJen Jackie-Carol JenniDon.
Over the years DonJen has been loved on by Courtney when she came to visit me when she was 2 and a half, Liliana, Noah and Elia... Today when I went in to get her up from her nap she was leaned over snuggling him big time!  Later on she went upstair to her room to get him and bring him down... she kissed him, hugged him, layed on him, just loved on him!  So cute!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Project 365 Week 20

Sunday, May 13th
Another look at the t-bone Donnie grilled for me for Mother's Day:  YUM!

Monday, May 14th - no pic

Tuesday, May 15th
Jewerly fun!
While shopping in Wal-Mart today, Noah spotted the coolest "prize" for himself, a kids shaving cream with toy razor... He shaved 4 times as soon as we got home... He let Liliana try it out when she got home from school... She shaved her face, arms and legs!!!  haha!  The shaving cream was blue and smelled good!

Wednesday, May 16th
Cozy with Pawley!
Noah wrote a song to play on his guitar... it is about how much me and him love each other.
Tub shaving time!

Thursday, May 17th
Donnie wrote me the sweetest note!!!
Friday, May 18th
Valley Falls with the neighbors since the girls got out of school early.
There were TONS of tadpoles... Liliana brought home 6 of them in a bucket.
The "hot tub"... haha!

Saturday, May 19th!
On an adventure an tree climbing in the back.  The purple in the tree is Liliana and the red behind it is Noah.
I love the way Liliana placed these rocks around the tree.

Found a rock, placed it on the sand table cover and is taking it somewhere!  haha!
 Noah was so proud to mow just like Daddy! "Mommy, I am mowing just like Daddy!"

 After lots of fun, sun, corn on the cob, sweet tea, bubbles and baths, we topped the night off with the usual request from Noah... His favorite story...Daddy read it...
The pair of pale green pants with nobody inside them!!!

 Pawley likes to sit in this Elmo chair!  haha!