Thursday, May 24, 2012

DonJen Jackie-Carol JenniDon

When I was a teenager, I saw this dog in Wal-Mart one time while shopping with my mom and convinced her to buy it for me because I just adored it!  I have had him for about 16 years now!  WOW!  I don't have a lot of stuff from my childhood, but the few things I have I cherish!

Well, about 11 years ago, before Donnie and I were married, we went on a missions trip with our college and I brought DonJen with me... we traveled all over the country, Wisconsin, Ohio, Iowa, Michigan, Minnisota in a 16 passenger van and Donnie and I took turns on one of the legs of the trip using this Doggie as a pillow and in the long hours of travel as a means to pass time and bond over liking each other, we named him the blend of our first and middle names Donnie Jack and Jennifer Carol, DonJen Jackie-Carol JenniDon.
Over the years DonJen has been loved on by Courtney when she came to visit me when she was 2 and a half, Liliana, Noah and Elia... Today when I went in to get her up from her nap she was leaned over snuggling him big time!  Later on she went upstair to her room to get him and bring him down... she kissed him, hugged him, layed on him, just loved on him!  So cute!!!

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