Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fun in the Sun!!!

We are SO delighted to have some good ole HOT weather!  It was near 90 and HUMID... so, the pool was they way to spend the day!

 Elia has a thing about putting stuff up to her ears and she did this with the soaked football again and again and again!  We think it is because of the stuff she has been through with her ears... and the doctors always looking in them, etc... awe!
Takin' care of those ears...

I asked Liliana to smile for me and she posed like this with all her might and said this is her favorite smile!  AWE!  LOVE it!!!
Elia attempted to blow bubbles... she would put it right on her mouth and the first time she did it the bubble solution soaked her lips so good that she blew a bubble from her mouth!  ha!
 About 2 hours in, Liliana brought the slide over and the party really got started!!!  UP, Down, SPLASH............ again and again!  Elia did not stop for a good round of 30!  She loved it, she was so focused!
So BLESSED!!!  :)

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