Friday, March 20, 2009

Liliana's 3rd Birthday!

Our baby girl turned three today! Wow!!! We had a very special day together. We had a little birthday party in the afternoon which I had a blast decorating for! Emma Fanhestock and Alley Groves joined her for the big celebration. A few other friends wanted to be there, but were unable to make it. Diane Nott spent the morning and afternoon with us playing the role of "grandma". She was such a big help and blessing to us!
Of course I had my moments of reminiscing of the night she was born. One of the most amazing, special, and most treasured moments of my life which words cannot express!!!

She is and will FOREVER be my baby!!! Lord, please make the time slow down, please! :o(

This is Liliana's new favorite photo face. She has the sweetest personality. She is always so worried about everyone else and how they are feeling. She is the best big sister anyone could ever dream of. She is so sweet to Noah and he absolutely ADORES her. He just lights up when she enters a room! He really does! Like in the mornings or after naptime when I bring him downstairs and he sees her there sitting on the floor or whatever, he looks at her with the sweetest look of joy and pride on his face as if he is thinking "that is MY sister, she is my world!".

Noah had a blast with his cupcake! He put the napkin on his head. He is the cutest! Here I am taking the wrapper off for him.

All Liliana asked for was a giant stuffed animal and watercolors. Here is the doggy that daddy got her. She was so tired after the party she fell asleep on the couch! Here is how she started her nap:

Here is how it ended up. I think she rolled over onto the floor somehow and landed on top of her doggy. She was out!

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