Sunday, June 14, 2009

My WHY Girl

I had the opportunity to go to the Women of Faith Conference this weekend. It was wonderful and very inspirational and refreshing! While I was there yesterday I had the the opportunity to talk to Liliana over the phone, which was so special because she sounded so different! Her tiny sweet little voice talking so big just filled my heart! Here is some of what she said to me over the phone:

"Mommy, why am I angry sometimes?" What a deep subject to bring up at such a random moment! As we were saying goodbye she said "mommy, don't stay out too late." I will read this back to her in about 14 years!

I have heard of those kids who ask WHY about EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE - well, I HAVE ONE OF THOSE KIDS! :o) Here are just a few examples of some of her "why" questions:

"Mommy, why do we have eyebrows?"

"Mommy, why do we have these (pointing to her knuckles)?"

"Mommy, why do we have hair on our arms and legs?"

"Mommy, why do we have lips?"

"Mommy, why do we have to go to the pool?" lol - WHY-NOT! :o)

Here is my favorite, she asked me this one today:

"Mommy, why do we have heads?" LOL!!!!!

Today as we were snuggling on the couch Liliana was making a reference to her "mother" (whoever that is - LOL!) and I said to her "I am you mother" and she said "No, you are Daddy's Grandpa!" LOL!!!!!


Amy said...

Sounds like you're really "Loving Every Moment." To be honest, the 'why' stage was not my favorite.

Stephanie said...

Nate is in the why stage too!