Monday, June 29, 2009

Amazing Imagination!

Liliana is constantly cracking us up!!! She has such a big, giant personality! Here are some of the things she has said in the past couple of days.

Today she started calling Donnie her "Husband, Tito"... lol!!! What in the world!? Ha!!! :o)

Last night she was not listening to me so in my exhausted state, I stearnly said "get in your room now" and she said a few minutes later that she wanted to go to heaven to be with God because he is nice and I said "I am nice" and she said "I want to go to heaven and be with God because He is not upset with me" and I smiled and said "Liliana, I love you, but you weren't listening to me so, of course I was upset" and she said "I know" and we talked it about it some more and she came and gave me a hug and we laughed.

Man, three year olds can sure turn the table on you, you have to be on your game to make sure you have the upper hand to not let your emotions get tied into the things they say. They are way smarter than we realize and are cheif manipulators if you let them be! Not in the Capps household!

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