Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Donnie: "Liliana, stop scratching your butt" (yes, he said butt - I say bum. She had her hand in her pants scratching away.)

Liliana looks at him as serious as can be and says sternly: "You just don't understand my bum!" Donnie was cracking up because the way she said it was as if she had a relationship with or an understanding of her bum!

We now have a Wii and Liliana plays a Dora game on it... the other day she thought she beat it and I said "Are you sure you beat it, I didn't see the princess, did you??" and she said "I think she was up in the loft working on the computer". I said "Like mommy princess - ME?". AWE! We have a loft where I work on the computer. How sweet that she related the princesses activities on a Dora game to her mommy's daily activities.

Random things Liliana says in her own way: "In a minute ago" and "myselth, "yourselth"

Noah LOVES balloons...he says balloon SO CUTE: "Bloon" (very exagerated)

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