Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This is the kind of thing that goes on when Daddy is home. Daddy's glasses...
The kids have been doing and saying the cutest things lately...

Noah was on the stairs the other day and out of nowhere let out this big burp...he turned to me and said "I tooted".

I was one of the chaperone's for the 27 teen girls from CCC who went to the Revolve Tour at the XL Center this past weekend. I was away from home for about 30 hours and when I returned Liliana was TOO cute and I was SO happy to get back home to my sweet girl after being with the teenagers... :o) ...Liliana kept saying things like "we're a team, right mom?" and "your my helper" and "I'm your girl". I was so happy to get a shower when I got home and guess who joined right in...She was in such a big-time-mommy-mode...AWE!!!

Liliana is all big in so many of the things she says. One of them is in the mornings she says "I slept so good", all dramatic. Donnie told me that when I was gone Noah said "I seep good" in the morning when he woke up. Later in the day he layed down for a nap but didn't fall asleep but came to the door and when Donnie showed up Noah told him "I seep good"...he did this like three times but...he didn't even sleep...lol

This past Sunday I brought the kids into the sanctuary for worship and Liliana didn't want to leave daddy's side, so I let her stay in service with us to avoid a public meltown. I gave her a notepad and pen and I just happened to look at one of the pages and found the only thing written on the middle of the page was LOVE ...she randomly put those four letters together and wrote my favorite word!!! I saved the paper...will take a picture of it.

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