Monday, December 21, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

On Saturday, the weather man had us on our toes ready for 14-18 inces of snow....
So... off to the stores Liliana and I went to face the holiday crowds in search of some snowboots for Noah... and snowsuits for both...
We actually only got about 5 inches of snow...
We still had church that morning...but I knew the kids would NOT be able to go from the front door to the van without venturing into the snow, nor did I want them too...
SO...I got them all suited up and out we went...
they still look sleepy...

Liliana's first snow angel (I am pretty sure)...
Yummm! The breakfast of champions!
At church all tuckered out from the snow...
Tooo sweet!!!
Refueled after having a bagel and hot cocoa at the Crossroads Cafe! We had a fun time at church as there were not very many people there that morning. It was special!
Yep, he was tired! He fell asleep on the way home...
After Noah's nap we had lunch then made and ate our very first snow-made-ice-cream!!! Yummy! This was very special for Donnie as his mommy used to make it all the time when he was a kid. Awe!
What a sweet day!

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