Thursday, December 17, 2009


We have a routine of bringing Liliana over to Auntie Joy's about once a week for a long afternoon of play with her dear friend, Emma. We usually drop Liliana off without a hitch...until today...Noah was so upset. I will preface by saying that he has a cold and was not feeling to good today...he kicked and screamed and took of his shoes AND his socks out of frustration that he did not get to go into AJ's house and play too. AWE! I felt so bad for the sweet bug! He kept saying "Yana, ah-go???" (Liliana, where's she go?)...He really missed her while she was gone this afternoon. Too sweet!

This event showed me that he is beginning to "care" more about having friends around...thank God for Manny! He has been saying "Casey" and "Manny" for almost three days now. This is the first time he has talked so much about a non-family-member all on his own so much...except for Roxie, and Grandma, of course!

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