Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Luxuries of Renting

Having an indoor pool and hot-tub are two luxuries we would not have to break up the winter routine if we owned a home...something that I wanted really badly a year ago. Now, we love where we live and are absolutely blessed beyond measure!!! Thank You, Jesus!
Our big-girl swimmer! :o)
Noah is so funny, he reminds us of little man in how we goes straight to the hot-tub all by himself. I think he feels it is more his size. Awe!!!
The lockers are definitely a big part of the routine! The whole experience, from suiting up to drying off and getting home is definitely a great calorie-burner for me...which I need right now! :o)

We go swimming about once a week and I finally brought my camera so I can blog it!


Meg A. said...

Such fun! Love the shot of the two of them in the lockers...TOO cute!

Lisa said...

We'll have to meet you there sometime...after Christmas. Looks like fun!