Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Noah News

I truly do love and fully embrace all of the stages of my children's lives...yes, there are those hard spots or little phases they go through, but they come and go quickly and usually only last a couple of days. I don't have a hard time with those phases because I understand their frustrations and their trying to adapt to getting bigger...we all go through these tough spots, even as adults, especially as women - lol. :o)

Right now, Noah is at a SUPER-CUTE and funny stage. He is always making us laugh! He has such dramatic facial expressions and talks so big it cracks us up! The other day he was sitting by Donnie as he was playing his game and said "that's funny", Donnie couldn't believe it...he talked about it for hours!

Noah LOVES to pray at meal time. He looks and me, then Donnie, then me, then Liliana and says "pay (pray)" again and again. He will have us pray "Thank you Jesus for this food, we love you Jesus, AMEN!" as many times as he so desires...sometimes up to 8 times or so. I will never decline an opportunity to pray, especially with children!!! :o)

"Yeup!" Ask Noah anything and if he agrees to it you will get a big "Yeup!" from him. It is so cute! He sounds like such a little man...a big, deep from the belly "Yeup!".

"Acuumer" - is Noah's word for Vacuum cleaner. He loves the vacuum! He looks for it and looks at it and tries to use it and uses any toy that has a long handle as an "acuumer". When he sees something he wants to show you, such as an acummer, he squats just a tad, shrugs his shoulders, tilts his head towards you, points and says "Acummer, come on" and then heads over to it!

"Power/Songs/Jesus" - are all words he uses to refer to music. He uses "power" most frequently lately because so many of thier bible songs from the past two VBS's are songs about God's power! Isn't that awesome! Like most boys, he also LOVES buttons and keys! He says "buttons" more clearly than most adults and he says "pocket" when he gets a hold of some keys, because they go in there, of course! Take him anywhere and he will find the buttons or keys, if there are none, he will find the rocks and dirt - lol! He still says "Bible" every time he lays down to go to sleep to get you to sing "Jesus Loves Me" to him. He is just the SWEETEST!!!

1 comment:

Meg A. said...

I loved this part- "...we all go through these tough spots, even as adults, especially as women!" SO true!!