Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tap Time!

Today they worked on lots of cool stuff! I am continually amazed by the structure and control of such young dance prodigies! They worked on shuffle-shuffle-step, hot potato, the chicken dance and some crazy dance to the "Row-Row-Row Your Boat" song. Fun!

Look at Noah back there pointing at his big sister! He tapped his toe, watched intently, ate raisins and was a perfectly good boy! Miss Kandie gave him a pop-pop at the end of class for being such a good boy...she always includes him in candy time.
That's me sitting on the floor by Noah...trying hard to stay out of the pictures. :o)
What a perfect class of two girls and two boys! Too cute! See me back there! Ha!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Liliana looks sooooo old in that outfit and hat!!! I'm glad you're enjoying it! We love Miss Kandie and everything about Northstar.