Monday, November 2, 2009

Our Little Preachers

(Notice the bible in Noah's hand)
I must start off with the cutest thing Liliana said today before bed as I was reading some prayers to her (a cool book called Prayers for Little Hands or something) I was reading the one that starts "God be in my head and in my understanding"...she then stopped me and said "Does God eat the food that is in my stomach when Jesus lives in my heart?" AWE!!!! Tooo Sweeet!!!

Yesterday, after church, I found Liliana coming down the stairs with the two red chairs pictured below. Thinking she was just "doing whatever she so desired to rearrange the entire house", I stopped her and said "no, bring that back upstairs".....then she said in a very urgent and mature tone "but I need to preach"......"WELL, in THAT case...go for I will help you"! (see Liliana's pink NT on the couch...and the charmin on the floor...I had just gone to BJ's...ha!) We lined up some tiny happy meal stuffed animals in the chairs and had church!! :o) She had me lead worship, she preached and ended the service in prayer. We held two back to back services. Her first sermon was on a miss-mash of Bible truths in her head...anything that came to her mind "God loves you, deep and wide" and a little 3 year old tongues in between. Her second sermon was more eloquent..."you need to hold your mommy's hand when you are in the street or a car could come and there's lots of cars and they could give you a booboo and so make sure that you always hold you mommy's hand..." A very good and important lesson to "preach", indeed!

Then we had quiet/nap time (Noah had been napping all along)...The above photo was later in the evening when we played church for at least an hour. Lots of singing, running, preaching, praying...Woooh! The best! :o) Noah is in preaching mode too. Since yesterday evening he has had his Bible with him almost non-stop. He layed down in bed with it last night and had it in his hand when I greeted him first thing in the morning. He later took a nap with it and I found him awake 2 hours later sitting there talking by himself and looking through his bible. He then layed down for another 10 minutes and just flipped the pages over and over peaceful! Tooo Sweet!!! He says "Bible" His Aunt, Donnie's Sister Darla gave him this bible for his first Christmas, 12/25/07.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

That is too funny. I remember playing church a LOT. Song service was always my favorite and we always made my brother preach. I imagine you'll have at least one preacher in about 20 years...maybe less!