Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Big Sister!

Yes...it happened...hehehe...Liliana painted Noah's finger and toe nails...all 20!!! She was painting hers and he marched into the kitchen and got in on the action...
Half-way through, he stood up to grab his drink. Look at him sitting there with his drink, like he is at a spa or something!
Liliana: "God is making me do this"
Me: "hehe, why is God making you do this?"
Liliana: "He is making me share because it makes God happy when I share."
The world would be a very, very boring place without big sisters and little brothers!!!

Too sweet!!!


Lisa said...

Oh that's funny. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later!

Amy said...

That is so stinkin' cute!!!! How sweet it is!

Meg A. said...

Oh my word, I majorly cracked up at the pic of Noah with his drink! Too funny! And the part about God making her do that? HILARIOUS! This will be killer when they're teenagers. :)