Thursday, July 9, 2009

Addicted to Mommy

I am so honored to be absolutely the most amazing and loved person on the planet - at least by two people, Liliana and Noah! :o) Ha! Yes, they are so addicted to mommy! "mommy, mommy, mommy". I love it and I hope they are still that way as teenagers - ha! :o) Of course I am working hard to not feed into it though as I endeavor guide them to independence, or best said - "God-dependence", as I believe that is our "job" as parents. :o)

I gave Liliana a haircut the other night and I absolutely adore it!!!


Meg A. said...

Said so well Jen!!

Lisa said...

It is quite the feeling to be someone's hero, isn't it? Especially on the days we blow it and they come give us a hug. You don't get that too many places except with mothering.

You were brave to cut Liliana's for the summer!