Sunday, September 11, 2011

Project 365 Week 36

Sunday, August 28th
Behind the couch!  It is like a cool tunnel.  Hurricaine Irene visited CT today... church was even cancelled because of it!  Wow! 

Monday, August 29th
She has been toying with it for about 3 weeks and has now made it official... she is a WALKER!  :)  AWE!!!

...along with walking, comes the occassional fall... :)
We spent much of the day out in the yard cleaning up after Hurricaine Irene... lots of limbs and green leaves all over the yard... We were out of power for about 48 hours... which I really enjoyed... I could do a one day a week Electricity fast... hmmm. :)
Our friends, the Snyders have this game that they have been doing for years at their house where they try and mostly succeed at throwing balls over their house.  They have a unique slanted roof that makes it a tempting thing to try and with Mr. Snyder, no fun will be left undone!  ha!  ...well, Kevin, whom Noah ADORES, showed Noah this game at one of our recent visits to their home and now Noah does this game with our shed... SO CUTE!!!  :)  see the blur of a baseball mid-air nearing the shed roof...

Checking in on her nap and had to take a picture or 3... THE SWEETEST THING EVER!!!! 

Tuesday, August 30th
Big sister applied lipgloss to this beautiful little princess... hehe!

We took a stroll to the school with our neighbor friends to acclimate the girls to the school grounds since their popcicle party was cancelled due to power outages from the hurricaine.  It is a .25 perfect walk to the school.  :)
We are SO blessed to have the neighbors we have... this family is mirror image to ours... same ages, 3 kids of the same ages... Liliana and Rosie start Kindergarten together... just BLESSED!!!!  :)
"Will you eat this mulch with me?" .. haha!  :)  This is Timmy, he is 8 days older than Elia!

Weeeee, down the little slide!
We were helping Rosie gain some "pumpin'" confidence... so she is READY for school... hehe!
Later on, Daddy took Liliana on a special Daddy/Daughter date to CHEESECAKE FACTORY... he had her choose something to bring home to me... she couldn't read the menu but pointed to the name of the beautiful one pictured below... Red Velvet Cheesecake... a little too rich for me, but I loved it because it was a special occassion of our big girl starting Kindergarten!!!

Wednesday, August 31st
Daddy stayed back and I walked her... more details on a separate post...
Came home to this... Daddy planted Elia in the laundry basket (SO cute because she doesn't realize she can get out...)... they are watching Tangled.

 The new weekday/Day Crew... they were so quiet this first day... relaxing and sweet!
Thursday, June 1st
Noah took it upon himself to fold laundry for me!  He is really stepping up to his new role of "Daytime Oldest"... AWE!  This boy melts my heart!  He is so sweet and tender and thoughtful and eager to please.!
 Where's Elia!?  ...oh, yeah... THE STAIRS!  She loves the stairs... her sweet little legs would climb up and up an endless flight if there were one...

"Reading" Liliana's "Sweetest Bible Devotional"...

Friday, September 2nd - no pic

Saturday, September 3rd
Baby Levi's Party in the morning and Baby Timmy's party in the evening... Timmy celebrated his First Birthday along with his big bro and sis since their birthdays are all within a month's time... the theme was Pirates!  Arrr, fun!  :)

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