Thursday, September 15, 2011

Elia's First Birthday!!!

Noah and I baked Elia's Birthday cake while Liliana was at school and they frosted and decorated it when she got home...
 Elia reaching and begging for frosting... look at those lips... :)
 Noah's way of resting his knife... hahaha!  oh, boy!  :)
Chicken Nuggets and Mac-n-cheese for dinner!
 For the first few minutes she very carefully used two fingers to grab tastes of frosting... then much later started grabbing... she did not seem to like the feeling of all that mess on her hands and finally had enough!
Too sweet for words!!! 
I cried that night... our last baby's FIRST Birthday... a big deal for Mommy... a huge milestone... this whole infant phase is officially done for us (technically speaking)... no more rear-facing carseat, no more baby food, she is walking... I have always felt like I could hold a newborn in my arms FOREVER... There are two extremes of women... the Mary's and the Martha's and I am so much a Mary, that I could sit around the house holding a baby and breastfeeding and bonding forever... but like Ecclesiastes tells us, there is a time and a season to every purpose and I embrace each one of those seasons of life and live in the MOMENT and live it to the fullest with no regrets, only celebrations, with thanksgiving and joy and excitement for what is ahead!!!  

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