Friday, January 23, 2009

Noah Talk

Noah has added a couple of new words to his vocabulary.

Door - he learned this one by studing the bathroom door... you know those times where you get not a moment alone! Ha! He would point at the door and I would say "door" about 50 times as he pointed and there you go! (about a week ago)

Dora - he loves to point at the pictue of Dora on one of their toy bins - same drill - he points 50 times, I say "Dora" 50 times. :o) (yesterday)

Girl & Good Girl - He just picked this one up from me saying "good girl" to Liliana.

Go - today we were in the Target parking lot driving around looking for a parking place - it was packed! Liliana asked me "what are we doing?", I said "looking for a parking place", she said "you can go wherever you want" and boom - Noah said "GO".... "go".... and then all three of us said it about 20 times to make sure it stuck. ha! :o)

This is all so sweet! I remember my brother and me teaching my little sister, Linda, how to talk. She is a little over 4 years younger than me.

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