Thursday, January 22, 2009

Noah News

Oh, my sweetest Noah... where do I begin? He has been doing so many pricelessly adorable things over the past few weeks, I need to catch up on documenting them.

One day he took the kitchen towel off of the oven handle and brought it into the living room and wiped my mouth with it several times and was very maticulous about it and proud of himself. He was doing what mommy does to him after his meals. :o)

The next day he came into the living room from the kitchen with a giant ladel and was putting it to my mouth to have me taste his imaginary food - again, feeding me just like I feed him.

He is all into being independent at the dinner table. He has been doing this for a couple of months now. He loves to try to feed himself with the spoon.

Here he is drinking from his silver cup that Larry and Lil Volz gave him when he was born.

He is my climber for sure!!! I will make a special post all about that tomorrow with photos and all! Oh, boy - I am looking forward to a busy summer with this guy! :o) I am ready for it and will love every moment!!! So Sweet!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

What a sweetheart, isn't he the cutest thing! I love your hair it looks so cute!