Monday, January 12, 2009

Magical Mondays

Liliana's First Dance Lesson
Okay, so we get to Winninger's today for Liliana's first Dance lesson and she walks into her class and the teacher introduces her to her classmates as Liliana and Liliana says "no, I'm a pig". Yes, that is her new name - we are now a family of pigs, daddy pig, mommy pig, pig, and baby pig... Oh-MY-Goodness!!! When she said to her teacher "no, I'm a pig" right in front of her class first thing - I thought to myself "she didn't" and chuckled to myself that she is so absolutely comfortable to be the same person no matter who she is around! I pray she never ever changes for anyone! I love it!!! She has such a sweet innocence about her.

Here they are stretching.

Here the teacher is telling Liliana she needs to stand on her star.

Here she is "being" a giraffe - her choice of animal to imitate.

See the teachers "baby bump"... she is in her first trimester. She is so cute. Not sure of her name yet - I was so focused on Liliana, I forgot her name!

She's got some moves!
Check out that height! :o)

Jumpin' over the stars.

3 year olds following the leader.

She did excellent and she loved every minute of it. She was such a big girl!
My heart melts over these pictures and I get tickly butterflies looking at them!


Lisa said...

So, so precious. There are few better forms of entertainment, wouldn't you agree?

Bethany G. said...

Yea! I'm so glad she loved it! I just hope the teacher doesn't think that YOU call her a pig and that's why she called herself that! haha! Her name is Jana, (sp?) btw. Go Liliana!!