Thursday, December 18, 2008

I Stand Corrected!

This past Monday I walked past the kids room and saw Liliana laying on top of Noah on the floor and they were laughing, so I stopped and said "Hey guys, what's going on?" and Liliana said "he's T-Bone". She then told me that I am Clifford and she is Cleo. Ever since then without missing a beat Liliana will not let me call Noah by any name except "T-Bone"... even if she is in tears over something she will correct me and say "no, I'm Cleo." So funny! Here are our new family photos:

Noah, now known as T-Bone

Mom - aka Clifford

Liliana - now known as Cleo
Donnie is just Daddy. :o)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

She has QUITE the imagination!