Friday, September 5, 2008


Jesus loves me this I know...

Today I did a couple of things - well, they just kind of happened - and I could either dwell on those things and say "I had a terrible day - what is wrong with me?" or I could focus on the many, many things about this day that made it beautiful and the many, many things I did right. I choose the later.

Thank you Jesus, for your unconditional love towards us and for empowering us by your Holy Spirit to show unconditional love towards each other and towards ourselves when we don't quite measure up to our human standards of perfection.

It is so important that we let go of the expections of who we need to be and what others need to measure up to, to merit our love.

The best part of my day was the time spent with friends and the precious moments I had with my babies. I am overwhelmed with love for my two babies!!! :o)

Thanks you Jesus for this day and for the one to come!

1 comment:

Darla Padilla said...

This is so Awesome! You are a great writer. This will help us stay in better touch. Love ya!