Sunday, September 28, 2008

Crumbs from my Sister's Table

It is so funny and kind of sad to look back on how deprived your first child was because you were so consumed with doing everything perfect and being overprotective. Because of this Noah is enjoying the sweet pleasures of life at a much earlier age....

The other day Donnie bought Liliana some Lucky Charms
(something I would probably never buy... that's what daddy's
are for)... and, well, she loves them, of course. She loves the fennow-fennows (her word for marshmallows! :o) Well, today she was eating a bowl of them at the table and next thing I know I see that Noah had made a great discovery under the table... he was eating the cereal that missed her mouth and ended up on the floor. I am sure he was thinking "thanks sister!"

Sooo sweet!!! :o)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yes, daddy's sure do things differently. Whenever I start to get upset because things are being done a little differently than I would have done, I think, "Wow, how cool that my girls get a balanced input."

I think its for good, even if it means they are introduced to Lucky Charms. Still, you have to ask, why, why is that necessary?? :)