Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Noah, The Big E

I have a lot to say about all of the cute things Noah is up to these days, but first a quick note about our fun family day at the Big E yesterday. It was a perfectly gorgeous day out. We enjoyed lots of ridiculously expensive food and Liliana and I went down a gigantic slide... 4 stories maybe??? It was surprizingly fun! I screamed out of excitement all the way down and Liliana just sat there. Ha! I just did not expect it to be that fun! :o) Of course Noah was a super good boy all day as usual! He is amazing! He fell asleep in his stroller on the way to the car with a plastic cucumber in his hand. Oh, and yes, we did spend $7 on a blow-up Dora that Liliana LOVES! She slept with it last night and brought it to Kohl's with us today and held it the entire time. She teaches her to walk and tells her she loves her all the time... so yes, it is well worth the $7. :o)

Here is our Noah pushing along behind the grocery cart as Liliana pulls it backwards. They have been doing this a couple of weeks now and he also pushes it by himself - sooooo cute!!!! Look at that face. He just laughs and laughs, he is so full of joy. He especially gets giggly right before he is ready to go to bed at night... he just gets snuggly, laughs and relaxes so sweetly.

Noah loves the vacuum - the one at home and the one at church... he just has to be right in on the action. He sits right in the middle and watches and holds onto the cord. It looks like he will take after his daddy and his love for vacuuming (however you spell it). Liliana gets her little toy vacuum out and helps daddy too.

Like I said, he is my climber!

I wonder what flavor grey is? :o) I remember eating crayons... that dry, weird wax stuck in your teeth. Actually, as kids, we use to put crayons out on the driveway and watch them melt before our eyes, that is how hot it is in South Texas.

Loving Every Moment and Praising God for them!!!


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