Sunday, June 24, 2012

Project 365 Week 24

Sunday, June 10th
Donnie and I traveling from Franconia to Nashua, NH... He is acting like he is sleep/driving... so silly... he did this for old times sake as this is something he did to make me laugh when we were dating. :)
 Monday, June 11th

Yard work day!  We had a blast kicking the huge ball around!  Liliana ended up soaked from jumping into the water as I gave the plants a big drink... so crazy!  :)

Tuesday, June 12th
The Kindergarteners had a year-end celebration in the gym.  They sang songs for us and we took photos, and had snacks.  What a SPECIAL time!!!
Here is Mrs. Then with Liliana and Ashley, one of Liliana's dearest school friends. 
  The three Kindergarten classes together ready to sing!  The principal, Dr. Ruggiero is the on the bottom left introducing them.
Liliana and Ashley:
Liliana and Timothy, one of her biggest fans... hehe!
Wednesday, June 13th
Noah and I went to Walmart and had the sweetest time!!!  I searched and searched for 15 minutes for the right size for him in this Batman shirt and found it! It glows in the dark! Here he is in the van after he put in on straight away! Here is Liliana after she got off the bus... it was PAJAMA DAY at school for the Kindergarteners.
Thursday, June 14th 
I can't believe it!!!
They had a rally at the flag pole that morning just like they did the first day of school.  AWE!!!
 After school, we talked with Mrs. Then for a while and then played on the school grounds with the C's just like we had done the day before school started.  WOW, they year FLEW by!
Friday, June 15th
We started off summer break right by going to Valley Falls with the C's!  Fun, messy, fun! 
 Saturday, June 16th
Daddy and son and the Father's day Breakfast at church... Noah had these shades on almost the entire time!  Such a cool dude and a big boy who just sat quietly through the whole event!
 After church that evening, we lavished gifts upon Daddy and a poster-board sized card for Father's Day!

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