Monday, March 21, 2011

Project 365 Week 12

It is amazing to me how even when doing Project 365, I still feel like there are so many things I leave out... Like Elia has her second bottom tooth... she has had it for about 3 weeks now.

This week she has been a big milestone week in that she is clapping now and rolling over. She has rolled over 3 times so far, so it is not her choice for transportation, but she can do it. :) She loves to sit for long intervals, I don't know, half an hour at a time, all day... she bounces on her bottom when she is sitting like she is getting ready to lunge forward and start crawling. When she is on her belly, she finds her way around by scooting and kicking her legs to reach things. She also loves her Jumperoo so much and when you hold her in your lap she loves to bounce on her bum and jump and lunge forward towards things and people out of reach. All in all, she is a busy girl, still showing a great sense of independence, patience about life and the sweetest, quiet content disposition ever. AWE! So, Week 12, here we go...

March 13, 14 & 15

No Picture...???... I have no idea how that happened! :) March 14th was Elia's 6 month birthday.
Wednesday, March 16th
Bath/Chore Day... ha. Here is Elia watching the kids take a bath.

Elia's first time eating squash and she LOVED it! She was diving in for each bite and ate up the whole container!
Thursday, March 17th
Sait Patrick's Day! :)
Here the kids are awaiting a surprise from mommy...

Gardening Gloves! Yay! It was so nice out! We played/worked in they yard ALL day! Then topped it off with a walk around the nearby pond with our neighbor friends. :)
Donnie and his friend took the tent down and made a couple of dump runs. It is so clean now... the was before the final clean-up of the day. FUN!
The kids also got rakes... I love Christmas Tree Shops! :)
Love this picture, the sun was in her eyes. AWE! Look at that dimple...
Friday, March 18th
Another nice day! We spend a few hours at the park that morning. Liliana spent a lot of her time on the swings learning to pump. She was so proud!
Neighbor Friends at the park with us joined us for a little stroll. We had LOTS of friends join us at the park for a "reunion"... fun!

I did not realize till I saw these photos how uncomfortable Elia looks. AWE... I think I need to tighten the seatbelt or something. :)
Conked, nonetheless... and baby socks just don't stay on. :)
Remote time later that day. YUM! Ha!
Saturday, March 19th
Big milestones! I brought Elia to the nursery at church for the first time. I stayed in there with her most of the time, but she did not even flinch a bit about it! AT ALL... she just sat there and played and interacted with the other kids, all much bigger than her. She smiled and played uninhibitedly (a word?)... She is so content, secure, peaceful, friendly, social and simply uninhibited in every way. I love her!!! :)
Not only was this a milestone day at church for Elia, but mostly for Mommy as it was also Liliana's last day at church as a 4 year old... AWE... she is getting so big!!! Mommy had a few moments of reflection and tears today as we take big steps forward... AWE!

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